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FOLLOW-UP | Conference 'Workers stop the incinerator' in San Sebastian

Zuzeneko jarraipena
  • In San Sebastián today, March 20, “Workers also stop the incinerator! The conference “There is an alternative” – organized jointly by the Movement Against Incinerator EAM, the main workers’ unions and various social movements – opened at 09:30 am with a video conference by Piotr Barczak, technical waste manager at the European environmental office: “The ecological crisis of civilization and the problem of waste”.

20 March 2018 - 11:05
Ilunabarreko giza-katea Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiraino iritsitakoan burutu dute azken ekitaldia. (Argazkia: ELA)
Errausketaren Aurkako Mugimenduak Diputazio aurrean amaiera eman dio jardunaldiari


Eguneko bigarren giza katea heldu da Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiraino


Azken ekitaldia: giza katea San Telmotik badoa Foru Aldundi aldera

Usurbilgo Noaua (beti bezala) lekuan bertatik eskaintzen berririk freskoenak, irudi eta guzti:


Piotr Barczaken mezua: Gipuzkoa gaikako bilketaren eta mobilizazioaren eredutzat aipatzen jarraitu nahi du

Twitterrez zabaldu die azken mezua gipuzkoarrek goizean bideo-konferentziaz mintzatu den Piotr Barzackek. Goizean esan baitu –eta CCOO sindikatuak bildu txio batean– Gipuzkoa erreferente bat dela, Barzackek osatu du mezua honela: "Hala desio dut! Nahi dut jarrai dezan eredugarri ziaten gaikako bilketa onari eta mobilizazioari dagokionez. Gipuzkoak hautatzen badu erraustegi bat eraikitzea, orduan eredu txar bat bihurtuko da".



Hasi da San Telmon Intxaurrandieta eta Meltxorren "Angula ustelak" hitzaldia


Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiaren atarian amaitu da erraustegiaren aurkako giza katea


Giza katea osatu dute erraustegiaren kontra




12:30etarako iragarrita dago giza-katea Donostiako Bulebarretik Foru Aldundira

Sindikatuetako ordezkariek beren mahai ingurua amaitutakoan, bulebar aldera abiatuko dira giza katean parte hartzera.


Sindikatuek amaitutzat eman dute goizeko saioa.

Mila eskerrez pagatuko ditugu jardunaldian esandakoak lekuan bertatik kontatu dituzten parte hartzaileei.


Errausketaren Aurkako Mugimenduak gatazkaren muina biltzen duen agiria banatu die sindikalistei

Gipuzkoan errausketaren eta hondakinen inguruko gatazka ekonomiko, politiko eta soziala laburbiltzen duen idatzi bat prestatu du jardunaldi honetarako Errausketaren Aurkako Mugimenduak –Errustegirik ez. Badaukagu alternatiba hobea– jardunaldira hurbildu diren sindikalista eta ekintzaileei banatu diena.


Ainhara Plazaola: Akaso ezingo dugu #erraustegiagelditu, baina geure esku dago erraustegia martxan ez jartzea



Ainhara Plazaola: "7.900 lanpostu sortuko lirateke hondakinen kudeaketa iraunkorrarekin"


Gaikako bilketak eta kudeaketa onak enplegua sortzen dute


Hondakinen kudeaketa ereduak: enplegu txukun eta duin pagatuak, versus lanpostu urri, toxiko eta prekarioak


Erraustegia eta osasuna, mahai inguruan: sindikalistek amiantoarena oroitarazi dute




Sindikatuen arteko mahai ingurua hasi da, Iñaki Petxarromanek moderatua


GuraSOSeko Joseba Belaustegik Hitzartu asmoa aurkeztu du jardunaldian


Piotr Barczak bideo konferentziaz mintzatu zaie parte hartzaileei



350 ordezkari sindikal eta hainbat ekintzaile sozialen parte hartzearekin hasi da jardunaldia


You are interested in the channel: Gipuzkoako erraustegia
2024-12-31 | Usurbilgo Noaua
Another fire in the incinerator
The firefighters had to extinguish another fire on 27 December at the incinerator in Zubieta, in the Gipuzkoan town.

The Basque Government will not punish the incinerator of Zubieta for bringing leachate to Artajona
Counsellor Mikel Jauregi said that the Basque Government "did not detect any infringement" in the leachers sent by Ekondaki from the Zubieta incinerator to the Artajona landfill. Thus, public society will not be punished, as requested by the Government of Navarra.

2024-09-05 | ARGIA
The human chain against incineration on Sunday will denounce the waste management of the City Hall of Donostia
The Anti-Incineration Movement will carry out a human chain against incineration on Day 8 in Donostia-San Sebastián. The demonstration will start at 11:00 from Alderdi Eder in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

The Basque Government is ready to talk about punishing Ekondakin for illegal waste from Artajona
In June the Government of Navarre asked the Basque Government to open a dossier of sanctions against Ekondakin for the leachate transporting Artajona from the incinerator of Zubieta.

Arkaitzerreka: GuraSOS denounces that it has been contaminated and GHK says it is a natural phenomenon
Last Friday a citizen detected that the water was not clean, but it is not known since when it is. As ARGIA has been aware, the members of the URA agency have approached Arkaitzerreka to participate in the initiative. Discharges and pollution of the incinerator have long been... [+]

The Government of Navarra calls for a sanction of the company managing the incinerator of Zubieta
The Government of Navarra has asked the Department of the Environment of the Basque Government to initiate proceedings against Ekondakin, Zubieta, for the transfer of unauthorised waste to the Ecoη company of Artajona. The Environmental Minister of Navarre, José María Aierdi,... [+]

If the incinerator has shown the first poisons... What to do?
The ToxiWatch Foundation has presented the results of the five-year monitoring of emissions from the incinerator at Gipuzkoa. Worrying results because we are talking about pollutants that can cause serious health damage to living beings and, in particular, to humans. The... [+]

Large quantities of dioxins have been measured in populations close to the Zubieta incinerator
Toxicowatch has taken samples for five years in eggs from chickens, moss, trees, sediments and breast milk in the incinerator environment. Dioxin levels have increased considerably since 2019, including heavy metals, PFAS and other highly polluting substances. On Thursday, the... [+]

2024-05-20 | Usurbilgo Noaua
They move the incinerator's protest plant to the portal
This Saturday morning they participated in the pedestrian march called by the Zubieta Anti-Incineration Movement.

2024-05-20 | Usurbilgo Noaua
"Close this dirty, dangerous and expensive incinerator for once!"
The request for the closure of the Zubieta incinerator has been transferred to the portal by the Anti-Incineration Movement on the pedestrian march that this Saturday is part of Lasarte-Oria. In the declaration of the Ertzaintza on the same portal that had access, they request... [+]

2024-05-17 | ARGIA
March to the Zubieta Incinerator on Saturday from Lasarte
On Saturday, 18 May, the Anti-Incinerator Movement (EAM) organised a march against the Zubieta Incinerator. Departure from Lasarte-Oria, Okendo Square at 11:00 hours.

2024-05-08 | ARGIA
They discover an "alarming increase" in pollution in the areas of the Zubieta incinerator and call on the go
The ToxiWatch foundation has been collecting samples in the incinerator area of Zubieta for five years in search of heavy metals, dioxins, PCBs and PFAS. All of them appear in the samples and furthermore the Anti-Incineration Movement announced at a press conference on Tuesday... [+]

The Government was unaware of the characterisation of waste shipped from Zubieta to Artajona
The Environment Department of the Basque Government did not have information on the characterisation of waste shipped to Artajona, as indicated in the documentation submitted to the Basque Parliament. Ekondakin, manager of the Gipuzkoa incinerator, continued to send leachers... [+]

2024-01-30 |
Leachate coming to Zorroza at the limit
The Association of Neighbours of Bilbao has issued a communiqué on the intention to send the leachate from the incinerator of Gipuzkoa to Zorroza.

Eguneraketa berriak daude