The Workers' Self-Defense Network LAS in Bilbao will be concentrated next Sunday, at 13:00, in front of the Open Space of the Ribera de Deusto, in Bilbao (number 70 of the Ribera). There is Jardin Secreto, immersed in a labor dispute since September 10.
A worker from the Secret Garden contacted the network, informing him of his situation: while working, performing the duties typical of the hospitality agreement and collecting the salary corresponding to a minor agreement, after which he was dismissed on leave and was informed of the dismissal through a message from the social security. In this case, they decided to start a conflict with the company, to which the employees and the network sent a complaint letter to the boss.
The deadline for responding to the complaints was September 17, when the head of the Secret Garden received a removal order. However, it has not given any response to the call of the Foral Police. After the deadline, two weeks ago they decided to make the campaign public and on 17 September they held a concentration in front of the bar, with the presence of the customers. In this sense, the next mobilisation will take place on Sunday, in solidarity with the worker and in support of the company. In this regard, they have warned that if the company does not endorse its claims, it will increase the public character of the conflict.
In this case, the Workers' Self-Defense Network has also condemned the violation of the rights of the working person. They have pointed out the role played by companies such as Jardin Especial Espacio Open, and accused them of “using alternism”: “They take advantage of working-class neighborhoods to intervene culturally and pave the way for greater capital investments of the bourgeoisie. An example of this is the project of the island of Zorrotzaurre in the Bank of Deusto.”
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