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7.6 Degree earthquake deaths in Japan can exceed 48 recorded

  • The earthquake that hit the west coast of Japan on Monday has caused dozens of people to be injured and many homes to be destroyed. It has caused at least 48 deaths, but authorities have stressed the need to rescue “as soon as possible” people trapped under the waste, as the death toll can rise. They warn that replicas can occur.
Lurrikarak Kanazawa-n utzitako ondorioen irudi bat.

02 January 2024 - 11:32
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The 7.6 degree earthquake on the Richter scale, measured between 1 and 12, took place in the city of Wajima, for prefect Ishikawa, where it was around 16:10. It has been concluded that the hippocentre has been produced at a depth of about 10 kilometres and 60 other vibrations have been recorded in subsequent hours. In the buildings of Tokyo, vibration has also been noted more than 300 kilometres from the hypocentre.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida warns that the country is now in “anti-time”: “We need to rescue as soon as possible, especially from people trapped under the waste.” The earthquake has caused at least 48 deaths, but they have stressed that the figure is not safe and there may be more, as they may be under the fallen buildings. Dozens of people have been wounded.

Many homes have also been destroyed and fires have occurred. The fire department has confirmed, according to The Guardian, that at 07:00 Tuesday in the city of Wajima fires had still been fired and that at least 100 buildings have been completely destroyed. Kishima has announced that they have obstacles to rescue because the roads have deteriorated after the earthquakes: emergency service vehicles are costing to reach the north of the Noto peninsula and are trying by sea.

There may be replicas

Following the earthquake, authorities alert the tsunami and the Japanese chain NHK says waves were expected from 5 to 6 meters. Although they have removed the alert, the authorities have called for it not to return home, as the weather agency has recalled that in the coming days aftershocks could damage the areas affected by earthquakes again, according to The Guardian.

The most affected prefectures were Ishikawa, Toyama and Niigata, on the west coast of Japan, with 46,000 inhabitants forced to leave the house. Many services are also suspended and thousands of people have run out of light, 30,000 homes, according to the Japanese Government. On the coast there are more than 20 nuclear reactors, but the government has ensured that they have not suffered serious damage and have not measured increases in radiation in these prefectures.

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