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The Jalgi Voz festival is born to rediscover lyrical and classical music

  • Two young programmers have created the new vocal music festival Jalgi Voz in Álava. Between April and June, lyrical and classical music will approach the territory through varied, innovative and heterogeneous proposals.
Maite Arciniega eta Ane Ruiz de Gordoa, jaialdiaren zuzendari artistikoak (Argazkia: Jalgi Voz)
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

24 March 2021 - 09:31

Convinced that "lyrical and classical music in our environment remains an opportunity to explore and enjoy through proper and comprehensive programming" and "explore the endless possibilities of a word that has become music", the young programmers Ane Ruiz de Gordoa (Gasteiz, 1990) and Maite Arciniega (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1993) have designed a new proposal: Festival Jalgi Voz Festival. It will be developed during the months of April, May and June 2021, mainly in Vitoria-Gasteiz, although it will also reach the municipalities of Alaveses.

According to the festival promoters, "Jalgi! The voice is not a mere succession of concerts with a classic format already known, but a commitment to original and innovative artistic proposals". In fact, "the objective is to counteract and question the formats, spaces, rites and conventions of cultural practices linked to classical music and, in particular, to lyrical music, to distort the boundaries between genders and styles and to extend this type of music to new creations."

To this end, the festival proposes, among other things, a small-format opera, in an intimate atmosphere close to the city. In addition, for example, there will be a classical piano recital in a rock room and a lyrical singing concert, followed by a jam session.

Eight proposals

All this will be reflected in eight proposals. The festival will begin on April 13 with the presentation ceremony that will take place in the Aula Cultura de la Fundación Vital. The event will feature the artistic directors of the festival, as well as live music.

The ticket price will range from 5 to 15 euros, although there will also be several free concerts. From March 31, they will be available on the website of the festival Jalgi Voz.

Crowdfunding campaign

While seeking official sponsors to make it possible to finance the first edition of the festival, a micro-patronage campaign has been launched in Bilbao. The contribution can be made via the website and you can collaborate with different amounts of money. Depending on each contribution, different prizes will be awarded: A fabric bag with the illustration of the festival poster designed by Iñigo Fernández de Pinedo, tickets for the festival concerts and even full subscriptions.


Pocket Opera

Original and modern operatic production, with updated dramaturgy and small format, which allows acting in medium and small spaces without losing its essence.

Show: Orfeo ed Euridice - American Version, 2021

Location: Ortzai Theatre.

Artists: Iker Ortiz de Zarate (playwright and stage direction), Mireia Tarrago (soprano), Miguel Gómez (contratenor), Ainhoa López de Munain (soprano), Amaia Rodríguez (pianist).

Dates: Thursday 15 April, Saturday 17 April and Sunday 18 April.

New looks

Concert dedicated to the proposals of artists who bet on the experimentation and re-reading of the classical and traditional repertoire, using the musical creation technologies available today and placing them at the limits of musical styles.

Show: A Boy & a Girl

Location: Centro Cultura Viva - Iradier Arena.

Artists: Friday, April 23.

Voices in Harmony

Talk to concert dedicated to the dissemination of vocal polyphony in Renaissance and Baroque times, exploring the infinite expressive possibilities of this repertoire.

Show: Teatro di Alchimia

Location: Cathedral of Santa Maria (Vitoria-Gasteiz) / Church of Bachicabo (Valdegovia).

Artists: Eres-Alkimia (vocal ensemble), José Miguel Baena (translation and theatre), Fernando Tamayo (lecturer).

Dates: Saturday, May 8 and Sunday, May 9.

Out! Classic Lounge

A transgressive proposal that brings the classical repertoire closer to the concert halls and the public that usually program other musical styles.

Show: Covered lyricism

Location: Jimmy Jazz Room.

Artists: Marc Serra (pianist)

Dates: 14 May, Friday.

Lyrical Basque Song

An oral recital that investigates the repertoire based on texts and poems in Euskera, as it is his life to reclaim and publish works of art made in minority languages.

Show: From Basque Words to Universal Sound

Location: Oihaneder Euskararen Etxea.

Artists: Look at Urbieta-Vega (soprano) and Amaia Zipitria (pianist).

Dates: unspecified.

Spoken music

Poretic-musical show that explores the musicality of words and the literality of music, combining the sonority of the spoken word with that of the sung word.

Show: The nus the flower

Location: Sala Baratza (Vitoria-Gasteiz) / Andra Mari Aretoa (Araia).

Artists: Enric Casasses (poetry and recital), Daniel Ariño (pianist and composer), María Mauri (singer).

Dates: Friday 27 May, Saturday 28 May.

Covering the other half

Concert of dissemination and recognition of lyrical music written exclusively by women or inspired by the poetic work of women.

Show: Unpublished

Location: Fundación Vital Cultural Center.

Artists: Eugenia Boix (soprano), Susana García de Salazar (pianist), Carmen San Esteban (actress).

Dates: Friday, June 4.

Lied Tasting + Song Jam

A short concert of lied followed by an open session, such as the jam sessions of the jazz genres, but this time transferred to the field of lyrical music.

Show: Lyric for all

Location: Dazz Jazz Club (Vitoria)

Artists: Juan Laboreria (baritone) and Leyre Saenz de Urturi (pianist).

Dates: unspecified.

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Controlled courage

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of the Basque Country: Address: J. Rohrer.
Orfeón Donostiarra: Address: J.A. Sáinz Alfaro.
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Avec plaisir!

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Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France

Address: Mikko Franck

Soloist: Sol Gabta (cello).

Programme: Works by Debussy, Lalo, Ravel and Stravinsky.

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Thank you, Mr. Chailly

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Orchestra Filarmónica della Scala de Milan. Address: Riccardo Chailly

Programme: Works by Tchaikovsky and Ravel.

Place: Kursaal auditorium.

Date: 27 August

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Intelligence and sensitivity

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Alexandra Dovgan (piano).

Programme: Works by Beethoven, Schumann, Rachmaninov and Scriabin.

Place: Victoria Eugenia Theatre. Date: 19 August.

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With master's degree

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