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12 October 2024 - 08:03

I've been a teacher for 20 years and I've been teaching at all levels of High School, and today is the day I don't know what the teacher's role is.

In the long staircase of regulated education, each level has its own characteristics. In ESO, for example, good work habits and personal development are very important. In the Baccalaureate you have to prepare the ditxoso exam. At the University, the technical knowledge and the ability to face the problems are worked, and finally, the need to strengthen the students' self-esteem in the Vocational Training and the insertion into the job take a first line. At the Institute, we put aside the curiosity that is of great importance in the learning process and, moreover, as it advances in the regulated system, the curiosity of the children evaporates.

In order to address this paradox, the methodology of Vocational Training is immersed in a profound change. Under the motto of what is learned by doing, the objective is for the students to be at the center of the learning process, that is, that the student is active and achieves a significant learning in this path.

To do this, to express itself in brief words, the teacher must create a motivating challenge, prepare and dynamize dynamics to work transversal competences. To evaluate the work, it should collect evidence that demonstrates the achievement of competencies and guide the student's journey along the challenge. Believe me, great work.

In the future we will see where the new path of regulated education takes us, and for curiosity to have room must be a framework of questions, without blindly subjecting ourselves to the demands of the world of work.

In my youth, I heard over and over again the phrase “The student learns despite the professor.” Although at that time I thought it was the phrase that the bad teacher used to justify himself, now I think not, because I think that the student who is curious will learn in one way or another. If details are blurred over time, you will internalize concepts and keep the main ideas in time. On the contrary, if there is no curiosity, the student submits to the evaluation system, is erased the ideas worked throughout the course, is introduced to the world of work, and there he learns how the work that has been selected or touched him has been.

How do you get the person who is uncurious about the challenge? What if there is no curiosity why so much effort from the student and the professor? After all, the result is that the student works on topics that are not of interest to him year after year and the teacher is crumbling by the poor performance of his work.

Are we not hiding the failure of the educational community under the guise of new methodologies? Are our schools and teachers willing to promote curiosity? Why do students lose curiosity as the learning process progresses, when it should not?

Curiosity is strong and it seems to me that the human being is natural. Sometimes it stays asleep for a long time, but it never goes away. There are many factors in our education system that are part of everyday life, that marry curiosity. The media define what is important and what is absolute truth. Behind the false reflection of a perfect life are the social networks that ruin our self-esteem. Society's excessive obsession with productivity. The homogenizing effect of the tireless effort to be accepted or the time we do not take to analyze and read things in depth in the rhythm of life.

Therefore, in the future we will see where the new path of regulated education takes us, and for curiosity to have a place it must be a framework of questions, without blindly giving way to the demands of the world of work. Moreover, seeing that some small changes in lifestyle can have a great influence, at least the teachers try to make our small contribution in that direction.

Aitor Kortabarria, Professor

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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