A group of around twenty people with yellow jacket have appeared at 08:00 hours on the Biriatou (Lapurdi) walkway, according to the broadcaster France Bleu. On 17 November, three years have passed since the first protests of the movement, and on the occasion of this anniversary, they have taken action. Withholdings of up to seven kilometres have been recorded at AP-8, up to Irun, in the Baiona sense (Gipuzkoa sense).
The French police have moved to the place where the yellow jackets were, and the concentrates have moved to the nearby roundabout to continue the action.
Mobilisations are planned throughout the day in Iparralde and also in France.
Herria eliteen aurka. Edo beharbada errealitate konplexuagoa, historiaren barrunbeetan sartzen zarenean. Horrela islatzen dute Éric Vuillarden liburuek. 2017an Frantziako letren saririk handiena, Goncourt saria jaso zuen L’Ordre du jour liburuarengatik.
The movement of the Yellow Vests, as soon as it was lifted, was condemned to shut down. There it goes. It seemed that I would get nothing. Because he rebelled against a simple tribute? Or because it didn't pose a serious redistribution of rewards and riches? Now the discourse is... [+]