The City of Hondarribia has first received the company Jaizkibel. Along with the party mayor, Igor Enparan Abotsanitz, have been Eider Mendoza, Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, Manuel Lezertua Ararteko, Miren Elgarresta, Director of Emakunde, Xabier Ezeizabarrena, President of the General Boards and José Antonio Rodríguez Ranz.
Abotsanitz has been governed since the May elections. In recent years the PNV has had the mayor and has never welcomed the joint company. Another year the PNV of Hondarribia has not come to greet Jaizkibel. Yes the other parties that make up the Corporation (EH Bildu and PSE-EE).
The company first departs from the Gernika Tree. The reception has been made for the first time in the court of the church, in the same place where the discriminatory alarm is fired. It reports that this year the Ombudsman is not going to welcome the Alarde Excluente, which was being held for the first time. But Enparan, Mendoza and Rance receive him.
About 1,300 people have participated in Jaizkibel. The company is satisfied. However, Captain Nora Ferrerira points out that welcoming the mayor to the discriminatory alarm is not a "neutral choice".
Video of the Word of the Bidasoa:
It's been 27 years since 26 women left a basement and entered Hondarribia's alarming. Since then, the Jaizkibel company and the alarming discriminatory stems separately. Today it has also been behind the back of Jaizkibel, despite the applause.
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