The concentration was convened at 12:30 hours in Plaza 8 de Marzo, the main day of the local festivities. “We’ve expected everyone to wear their poster with the slogan they want,” and they’ve invited people to wear the handkerchief of the company hanging from their neck. In the end, a photo will be made of all the attendees of the concentration.
Request to become the 22nd company of the Alarde
It is precisely the company Jaizkibel that has made a proposal for this year’s celebration. Although the ultimate goal is to achieve an egalitarian alarming that recognizes women in all companies, they have made a compromise: Integrate Jaizkibel into the traditional alarde and be the 22nd company. Hitzan Oihana Etxebarrieta, head of the company Jaizkibel, explained this: “This step is the result of a lot of work done. It is clear that our objective is a unique, egalitarian and public alarming, but in that process we were putting on the table the possibilities that could exist in the assemblies of Jaizkibel. We also saw that Jaizkibel is the result of the reflection that Juana Mugarri made in her day when she was created as a company: ‘Now we are not going to succeed, therefore, in creating a company that we go through as an intermediate step’. The change we make is as follows: “Let’s go with this company to engage with everyone else and let others do it the moment they have to do the process.”
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