The egalitarian company Jaizkibel has conducted the first preparatory trial for the Alarde de de Hondarribia to be held on 8 September. There was a lot of expectation, how the mood was going to be this year after the persecution they suffered last year on the main street of the people. And before we start the trial, many have highlighted the large number of participants.
Following the test format, Oihana Etxebarrieta, the company’s captain, has taken the floor: “We know that victory is ours, but there is still a lot to do,” he told Jaizkibel’s colleagues.
The captain has explained that, given that the company is getting bigger and bigger, and given the difficulties that many participants experienced last year between patrons and insults, this year will be the figure of those responsible in addition to the usual ones. Those responsible will have the function of “supporting and helping each other” so that during the Alarde all the participants can celebrate the festival with peace of mind. “If we support and support ourselves, we will become more and more of a company,” said Etxebarrieta.
Some citizens behind their backs
After performing the first part of the essay in the Casco Viejo, Jaizkibel has entered San Pedro Street in the Gipuzkoan town. During the trial days most of the people who support the exclusionary Alarde are on this street, seeing parades that only women can participate as singers.
When the Jaizkibel company has gone through there, some neighbors have turned their backs on it, while others applauded it. However, no incidents have been recorded and the joint company has completed the test as expected.
Two further tests will be conducted before September 8: the first on Tuesday evening and the second on Thursday.
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