More people have participated in the Jaizkibel company this year than ever before. After two years without celebrating Hondarribia’s alarm, the company has surpassed the 2019 images and gathered over a thousand people, according to some.
As three years ago, there have been no black plastics when they have moved through the Gran Vía and the screams and gestures of support for the company have been numerous. Many institutional representatives have met to give their support.
The captain of the company, Oihana Etxebarrieta, made these statements in the video recorded by Foku and published by "The morning has been wonderful. Jaizkibel is a growing company. I don't know how many of us are, but we never occupy the square that way."
Etxebarrieta points out that more and more people are out of the company joining Jaizkibel: "Especially in Hondarribia, it adds to the solution of this situation." Thus, he has asked the mayor of Hondarribia to launch a process of dialogue "so that we do not wait for this year to be resolved for once."
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