This news was posted by Oarsoaldeko Hitza and we brought it with the Creative Commons license.
Several groups in Oarsoaldea have called for a march to demilitarize Mount Jaizkibel and the world, which will start next Sunday from Lezo to the military zone of Jaizkibel. The march will start at 10:00 hours from Plaza de la Santa Cruz and at 11:00 will perform an act in the military area. Jaizkibel will be the fourth act of the initiative calling for the free use of the people and without the presence of military personnel in it.
The march, which was presented yesterday, has already been called. The convoys emphasized that in recent months there have been works without authorization in the military sphere, “this has been confirmed by the City Council of Pasaia and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa”. Continuing with the damage, the appearance talked about the fire caused by the Civil Guard in 2014. The latter took the legal route, but the disappointed whistleblowers decided to abandon the case, “infringements committed in the area declared as a protected natural area have total impunity when committed by military forces”.
In addition, the organizers of the march have explained that the military mistreat the mountain, “they train on our mountain and then go to other countries and carry out war attacks.” In May, soldiers were seen in Lezo and Oarsoaldea, on public roads, in the form of camouflage and with arms in hand: “Half of the Sicilian Regiment, which was built in Loiola, will be heading to the Persian Gulf this year for a military operation.”
At yesterday's hearing, the Spanish Army had been in Gipuzkoa for 300 years, since 1926, at the Loiola headquarters. And they pointed out that their mission is to guarantee the “unity of the Spanish nation”, giving examples: “They were the force of Franco’s uprising, they have only brought us a dictatorship and repression for 40 years, and for example, in Catalonia, they have controlled the demands for independence in the plan to support the Civil Guard and the Spanish Police.”
Other causes
Yesterday's hearing also mentioned other reasons for claiming that the military wants "outside Jaizkibel and the world". These include the money that the Basque Country must provide to the army and NATO through agreements and quotas. However, they pointed out that in Euskal Herria there are more than 100 companies related to the military industry and that they are supported by public institutions. They denounced that the banks invest the citizens’ savings in these companies and that, at the same time, the Spanish State spent $18.2 billion last year on military spending: “The passion for business and the power of one generates the misery of the other. The militarism that promotes economic colonialism forces citizens to leave their places of origin and, in their flight, militarized borders make the path difficult.”
As an example of this, yesterday in Biarritz the assembly to be held by the G7 “to defend their interests they use armed mercenaries from the army to punish and criminalize social struggles.”
Several groups and agents of the Oarsoaldea region have joined the demonstration this Saturday. Below is the list of those who have so far joined (more are being collected):
Lehen aldia da Hego Euskal Herriko euskal gehiengo sindikalak armagintza industriaren moldaketaz taldean eta modu publikoan hitz egiten duena. Aurreko hilabeteotan mugimendu antimilitaristak bilera bana egin du lau sindikatuokin, produkzio militarra “sozialki... [+]
Armagintzaren “moldaketa eraldatzailerako” proposamena publiko egin berri du mugimendu antimilitaristak. Conversión de la industria militar en Euskal Herria para no fabricar más guerras (Armagintza industriaren moldaketa Euskal Herrian, gerra gehiago ez... [+]
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