Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Birth rate drops to historical lows in CAPV

  • The birth rate has fallen to historic lows in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, as this is the lowest figure recorded since 1941. Last year there were 14,721 births, 697 fewer than the previous year, a decrease of 5.1 per cent. The downward trend in recent years remains: Between 2008 and 2020, the birth rate has dropped by 30%.

11 May 2021 - 16:52
Hanna Pedroza / Unsplash
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In 2020, 6,000 children were born less than in 2008. The Basque Institute of Statistics, Eustat, has published the unemployment data relating to these operations.

Every time we have children later

49% of mothers are over 35 years of age and 79% of mothers over 30 years of age. The age of the children shows an increase in the number of mothers over 40 (11.2%), compared to those under 25 (7%). And the delay in the age of being a parent also influences the number of children we have. On average, women currently have 1.8 children in the CAV, and this trend is decreasing.

You are interested in the channel: Demografia
2025-02-26 | Euskal Irratiak
“Gazteon herria” sortzeko bost proposamen plazaratu ditu Xuti Gaztek

"Ipar Euskal Herria gaztez odolusten ari da". Sail berriak sortu goi-mailako ikasketetan, etxebizitza sozialak egin gazteentzat edo aisialdia euskaraz bermatu… Hamabost proposamen konkretu egin ditu Xuti Gazte ezker abertzaleko gazte antolakundeak.

They warn of the risk of closure of 20% of schools in ten years
Lucas Gortazar of Esade EcPol, from the UPV/EHU, has stated that more than half of the CAV students receive private classes and that it is the second community in the Spanish State that most segregates students of migrant origin.

Rural revitalization practices
The UPNA offers the possibility of internships in rural areas through the Erasmus Sustraiak programme. The aim is to combat depopulation in Navarre.

2023-02-02 | ARGIA
Zuberoako biztanleriak behera eginez jarraitzen du

2014 eta 2020 urteen artean 350 biztanle galdu ditu Zuberoak (-%2.55). Galera handienak Maule, Barkoxe, Sohüta, Garindaine, Ligi, Mitikile, Atharratze, Bildoze, Altzai eta Montori herrietan izan dira. Haatik, zenbait herritan biztanle kopurua emeki goratzen ari da.

2023-01-12 | Euskal Irratiak
Ziburuko auzapez Eneko Aldana
“600 biztanle galdu ditu Ziburuk sei urtetan etxebizitzaren prezioaren gorakadagatik”

Azken biztanle kontaketaren arabera, Lapurdiko kostaldeko herri bakarra da Ziburu beheranzko joeran dagoena. 6.800 izatetik 6.200 biztanle izatera pasa da azken sei urteotan.

2022-07-12 | ARGIA
Munduko jaiotze tasa txikitzen eta biztanleria zahartzen ari da

Hurrengo urtean India izango da munduko herrialderik populatuena, Txinaren aurretik; datorren azarorako, 8.000 milioi herritar izango ditu planetak; zortzi herrialdetan kontzentratuko da biztanleriaren hazkunderik handiena; baina oro har jaiotze tasa txikitzen eta biztanleria... [+]

2022-05-19 | ARGIA
The Government shall grant EUR 200 for each child under three years of age
The Basque Government has presented its strategy for 2030 with the aim of changing the decreasing trend of Basque demography. Among the initiatives under the Strategy, Lehendakari has identified a monthly grant of EUR 200 per child. It became effective in 2023.

Ageing societies

From time to time, I hear or read a concern that normally goes through the edge of my attention: the population ages. It's happened to me recently. And through a plunge of data, I'm usually unearthed by the pace and geography of that aging. It tempts us to be serious and to... [+]

In Navarre aid will be granted to 142 municipalities in a situation of depopulation
The Government of Navarre will allocate EUR 500,000 to support the depopulation of workers. The deadline for submitting projects to be financed by the municipalities will be opened in July.

In 45 localities in Alavesas, special attention is needed because of the serious risk of depopulation.
More than three hundred localities have less than 200 inhabitants and eleven municipalities have less than ten inhabitants per square kilometre. The Member of Álava has presented the study carried out by the UPV/EHU on this matter.

In Navarre, one in four municipalities is at serious risk of depopulation
The Department of Territorial Cohesion, through the Directorate-General for Local Administration and Depopulation, will soon launch two calls for aid amounting to EUR 1.7 million, aimed at local entities, to promote actions and investments aimed at alleviating depopulation... [+]

Hauspotu programa
Despopulazioari balazta, ekonomia eraldatzailearen bidez

Herri eta bailara ugari basamortu bihurtzen ari da Euskal Herrian. Lan eta zerbitzurik gabe, egungo merkatuak bazterturiko eremuotan nola bizi? Egoera hori irauli nahi du Udalbiltzak, eta horretarako, logika lehiakorretik at, pertsonak erdigunean jartzen dituen ekonomia... [+]

Lack of opportunities to live there
Faced with the economic factors that represent healthy social cohesion, the imbalance between the age groups that has caused depopulation may jeopardise the future of the Alavesa Mountain.

2019-12-19 | ARGIA
A socio-economic map of Gaindegia reveals the imbalance between districts and metropolises
Gaindegia has taken a socio-economic photograph of the counties of Euskal Herria in an interactive atlas. The proximity of basic public services is much weaker in peripheral regions than in capitals.

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