God forgives me, the film premiered at the San Sebastian Film Festival and will be seen in theaters from North and South until the end of the year. At the press conference he offered yesterday in Baiona, Josu Martínez, director of the film, spoke as follows: “There is still much to be said about Lezo Urreiztieta’s life. Kari, thus, on the tour they will perform next to the documentary, the authors will be able to tell several anecdotes of the protagonist”.
For example, we will try to explain “who Lezo Urreiztieta was, what he did more and why”, so that we know him better. As Martínez said, “cinema as an innovative experience” we will try to go beyond films in the projections of each people.
In the authors’ opinion, viewers will be curious after watching the film, so that “the character had a special meaning and as it has many unknown aspects, it is our desire, to further expand the perspectives on the character”. That is, they have dedicated a succession of Lezo's life to the spectator who has become curious.
Born in Santurtzi (1907) and died in Baiona (1981), Lezo Urreiztieta is a Basque exile and exile, according to the filmmaker, entitled “XX. It was the atypical person who went through the 15th century. And, in a sense and in part, his figure tells the history of the Basque Country.”
Drawings by illustrator Adur Larrea, stock images and music by Joserra Senperena have set out and deepened the mythical figure of Lezo Urreiztieta.
The Journey that will complete the programming of screenings and events around the film is already underway.
Actions shall be as follows:
November 24, Hazparne, Zinegin Festibala, 18:00.
November 25, Santurtzi, Serantes aretoa, 20:00.
November 27, Irun, Amaya Theatre, 20:00.
November 28, Urruña, Itsas-mendi zinema, 20:00/Gasteiz, Florida Zinema, 20:00 h.
November 30, San Juan de Luz, Le Select cine.19:00 At the end of the film, guided tour "After the shadow of Lezo" through the streets of San Juan, through the places where the amazing feats of Lezo were found.
December 3, Bilbao, Bizkaia aretoa (UPV), 19:00.
December 4, Andoain, Bastero Kulturgunea, 19:30.
December 5, San Juan de Pie de Puerto, film Le Vauban, 20:30.
December 6, Durango, Irudienea, 19:00.
December 7, Maule, Maule Baitha film, 20:30.
December 11, Donapaule, Saint-Louis cinema, 20:30
December 13, Cambo, Cinema, 20:30.
December 15, Lezo, Gezala Auditorium.
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