Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Message from the pulp: "We're not going to let our back enrich."

  • Even though the festival predominated on Saturday in Izpura, the agricultural union ELB took a space to present its complaint and its concern in the day organized at the age of 40. Some 300 people demonstrated in Donibane Garazi to denounce the current economic context: while the increase in labour costs suffocates farmers, the big players – banks, robberies, supermarkets, agro-industrial companies – are getting richer and richer.
Argazkia: Patxi Belaitz

12 September 2022 - 10:11
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Both the war in Ukraine and the drought, the trade union defending popular cultivation denounced the speculative logic that led to the stagnation of some diseases. “The Insee Institute ensures that the price of food will grow by 12%. Have you felt this recovery on our farms? No. If they do not lead to serious changes to better share the money, then we will not arrive,” said peasant Beñat Etxeto from the front of the Market supermarket. It took a space to remember that if the situation does not change, they will take action: “For example, we farmers complain, the 40 years of the OECD show us that action is our tool for fighting. In the coming days we will have to continue with this plot.”

They also stood before the bank Crédit Agricole, an unbeatable example of this unbalanced situation: this bank, ruined when it came to helping the peasants, received a profit of EUR 9 billion this year. “We are twofold. Always mistrusting typical projects and supporting the big ones,” said Maritxu Lopep from the microphone.

Photo: Patxi Belaitz

Always for the big ones

They reproached that aid from the institutions, the financial structures or the FDSEA that runs hand in hand with agro-industry is always targeted at the largest producers. Of course, the European Agricultural Policy, which began in 1962: “60 years in favor of industrial cultivation, helping to increase the big ones and eliminate the ttips”, according to Mirentxu Auzki. Trade unions such as the OECD and Confédération Paysanne have had a different policy for decades. Thus, denouncing the “lack of will and curia” of the institutions of change of direction, before it was too late, he asked Europe and the states the aids and policies to “assume responsibilities” and “live dignified on the farms”.

Trade union spokesman Jean-Paul Duhalde made it clear that they will continue to fight for the typical farms and against the agro-industry: “Solidarity is our strength, we have solidarity in the OECD’s DNA, we will continue down the same path.” In the fights, in front of him, Secretary-General Panpi Saint-Marie also spoke of two words for the FDSEA, which seeks to cut off the road: “Now they have changed the discourse, they take the form of a sincere, they will talk to us both about ecology and about biology. But no: they are mercenaries, mercenaries of agro-industry, but malevolent are there and we have to count on them.”

Between applause, the demonstration concluded by thanking the extensive network of militants that makes the OECD struggle possible.

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