The festival Euskal Herria Zuzenean announces new names: Liher, Gatibu, Vapa, Arima, Kuma No Motor and Aho Zakil Connion. These groups will also be in Irisarri from 30 June to 2 July, as reported by the LER in the press release of 11 May. All cultural programming will be announced on 1 June with the programme of conferences and round tables.
In March the first teams to participate in this 27th edition were advanced: Belako, Kolinga, Bibang Africa, Ada Oda, Kristonak and Muare. In April they announced the presence of Willis Drummond, MICE, aKats and Soulfly, among others.
In schools on the transmission of Basque culture
This year, for the second time, pedagogical sessions will be held in the Iparralde Lyceums. About 300 pupils have organized sessions on Basque culture and spectacularity: "We want to convey to young people the values of this festival that is built in the Auzolan and offer them a journey from the past to the future."
Contributors' entries and registrations in
The pre-sale is already open on the LER website and until 31 May the three-day bonds will be on sale in 50 euros. From then on they will have a price of EUR 60. Daily tickets may be purchased from 1 June.
In addition, the organization indicates that another year they need 400 collaborators to hold the festival. Whoever is willing to cooperate must fill out the following form.
Beware! Achtung! “Pass the message. When we come to the CER, control the huge flika with the chakurros!” Cases... At Amikuze you can't leave it alone either, he said one of the festivals that after passing control he tries to park his car. He has later seen that message that... [+]
Nola ezar euskara, gal-bidean, ahal-bidean eta zabal-bidean? Galdera horri ihardukitzen entseatuko da Mattin Irigoien Zabalik elkarteko kidea, ostegun honetan eskainiko duen mintzaldian.
2 in Irisarri (Nafarroa Beherea), at the EHZ festival.
Anyone who has ever been to the LER knows what Sunday is. We are there. This year the rain invites us to be under the cover of the van, but as... [+]
On the one hand the heavy rain, on the other the unbearable sauna. And the sun of Sunday afternoon, excessive for many. Maybe not, but it was convenient to bring the umbrella as light as possible, as at any time it touched the rain, but it was also hot, so it was essential to... [+]