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Itziar Ituño records a new Kurdish film in Bizkaia

  • At the end of September, Kurdish filmmaker Metin Yegin represented in Gordexola a number of excerpts from project 3 Fraue 1 Streik. The film is based on a strike that took place in Germany in 1973.

14 October 2022 - 09:23
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

A curious film group met in Bizkaia at the end of September. Along with the famous actress Itziar Ituño, they acted the ankari Pelin Batua and the istanbul Susku Bruskaya, under the orders of director Metin Yegin. The latter is a well-known documentalist, writer and entrepreneur in Kurdish environments.

The women recorded fragments of 3 Fraue 1 Strei. The film focuses on the strike that took place in 1973 in a German company linked to the production of vehicles. In this struggle women played an important role and in the labor conflict local and external workers created strong ties. In the case of the film, the protagonists are a German and Turkish worker and an Italian ice cream seller. Its intention is première in 2023, in principle.

However, this is not the first time that the group has joined. In fact, Ituño, Batz and Yegin collaborated in the Grev project, in which the professional of Basauri represented the militia of the 1936 war.

Itziar Ituño and controversy in Turkey

Grev’s promotion led Ituño to Turkey, where the Basques dusted. In fact, the Basaurian met with Basak Demirtas. Her husband is Selatim Demirtas, the most famous spokesperson for the left HDP coalition. However, the leader of this party, driven by the Kurdish transformative political forces, was imprisoned six years ago and his wife has also suffered terrible political persecution and lost her job, which she was a professor.

In addition to his appearance with Demirtas, Ituño made statements in favour of YPJ fighters in various media, which led to the rage of the Islamic and right-wing media. For them, YPJ and YPG, who have defeated the Islamic State, are terrorist forces that unite them with the PKK.

In any event, the Ituño relationship has not blurred with the Kurdish people and in recent weeks has denounced the murder of the Kurdish woman Masha Amini. In addition, it has supported on social networks the wave of protests over femicide.

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