Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The cultural association of women in Sopela, Itzartu, is fired for lack of generational relief

  • After three decades of activities aimed at women, the members of the Itzartu association have decided to dissolve the group, as they have no generational relief to continue their work. To say goodbye, on Sunday the Itzartu theatre group will offer its last performance at the Kurtzio culture house.

23 March 2022 - 08:42
Argazkia: Sopelako Udala

The Itzartu Women ' s Association has organized various cultural activities, workshops and activities in Sopela since its establishment in 1991. The president of Itzartu, PILI Serrano, said that the association "has fulfilled its initial objectives according to the circumstances". It says that when the association was formed, these types of activities were not carried out in the municipality for the women and the association began to create offer: "For example, there was no pool in Sopela, so we started going to Mungiako."

In addition, they have taken advantage of the association to bring together sopeloztarras women and organize different activities, and Serrano has shown satisfaction with the results obtained: "I would like to stress that we have managed to get many women out of the house and, furthermore, we have organised ourselves in a very independent way."

Serrano explained that the decision to abandon the association has a simple reason: "There is no one who will take over from our work, so we only have the dissolution," he added. He says it is a regrettable decision, but he says that the members of the association are much larger and that COVID-19 has also done much harm to them. The Treasurer of the Association, Mertxe Pérez, regretted that the organization of the activities of the association is a great job and they do it for free: "If the work we do is paid, there will be queue to enter the partnership," he added. They state that the management of the partnership involves a great deal of involvement, but regret that they have not found anyone to take over: "People want to go to the activities, but nobody cares about what's behind it," he added.

Serrano has summarized that "everything that has a beginning has an end". However, he says that the activities carried out during this time have been very positive: "Despite all the work we have done, the stage has been very good, very enriching and very nice," he added.

Farewell Theatre

As a farewell, on Sunday, 27 March, the Itzartu theatre group will represent the unfortunate Amigas play. The director of the group, Fernando Ansoleaga, explained that the company was established in 1993 to "liberate the fondness of some women for interpretation with affection and effort". She added that a number of women have gone through that group and those who still continue to want to thank the public for the affection and respect they have given them over these years.

In addition, they have explained that the cycles of gender perspective cenema created by Itzartu, whose organization has been assumed by the Equality Area of the City Council, will be maintained.

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