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Cendea de Iza, TAV under threat of photovoltaic and two lines of high voltage

  • Many small towns across Euskal Herria are suffering the damage caused by numerous infrastructure for climate transition. On this occasion, the neighbors and neighbors of the municipality of Iza (Navarra) explain how they affect four of these infrastructures.

05 October 2023 - 09:33
Last updated: 12:41
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Cendea de Iza is a group of councils located between Pamplona and Irurtzun, which together with the villages of the Gulibarren valley form the municipality of Iza of about 1,200 inhabitants. As in many other small towns, the consequences of the energy transition strongly threaten their nature and environment. A group of citizens from the Cendea de Iza denounced at its hearing on Wednesday at the Council of Orderitz the situation of this threat in its area.

On one hand, run the high-speed train that divides the municipality into a track of 160 meters wide. Construction of a solar plant with 64,000 photovoltaic plates is also planned. Finally, it should support two new high-voltage lines. It would be 30 80 metre tall towers, one of which would transport electricity produced in Zaragoza to Gatika (Bizkaia).

Today, the area is dominated by agricultural land, and in addition to affecting them, the Council of Alaba can be one of the most affected, among other reasons, by the presence of a rich robledal, the last trace of the forests of yesteryear.


The group of citizens considers that not so many infrastructures are necessary. Instead of the new TAV route, they consider that the current rail route should be used. They consider that, before such photovoltaic projects are carried out, areas that are not damaged should be occupied, such as roofs and industrial areas. They demand a decentralized model of energy, like the solar panels they have for all the people.

Finally, they say that if two new high-voltage lines were to be built, the existing two would have to be demolished. Next Saturday will be an information tour to the mountain nearby, at 10:30 from Alaba, encouraging all the neighbors in the area who want to know the impacts of these projects.

Cendea de Galar photovoltaic project

La Cendea de Galar is a municipality in the Comarca of Pamplona, located south of Pamplona, where the Real State of Bahía de Plata wants to build the photovoltaic plant of module 9.400 called Fsfv Sadar. The town hall has recently submitted claims to the project, based mainly on the high agricultural and landscape value of the land on which it is intended to operate. The City Hall has also argued that this park can, among other things, increase the fragmentation of the route of the TAV in the municipality, as well as the possible affection to those who during the construction perform the Camino de Santiago.

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