The popcorn is a neuropteran, that is, from the Order of Neuroptera. In this order, about 5,000 species are currently known, divided into sixteen Families. These insects occupy the entire metamorphosis, that is, they occupy a life cycle of four phases: egg, larva, pupa, and adult (or imago) insect. The eggs are placed by the females on the trees or on the leaves of the plants, suspended in a thin and invisible thread: in groups or individually, depending on the species. The larvae wear debris and rubbish to camouflage themselves. They change the skin twice before making the cocoon (cocoon).
Physically it seems like a weak animal, its coloration is very modest, green and the transparent and large wings denounce us the scarcity and softness of the body. The antennas are long and have striking golden eyes and red glitter on the head. When they rest, they lift their four wings like a roof over their backs, and they fly fast and short when they escape from one hiding place to another. Weak appearance, yes, but what do these shy insects feed on? Well, human beings are often ungrateful and we don’t know how to correctly identify our companion beings and even less to value them with justice, because popcorn feeds on plant lice, among other things. Cucuruchos (the famous “balls of bitches”) are also their food, as are the caterpillars of some moths. And its importance in the trophic network, in the food chain, is so important that they have been used to control pests of other insects for biological control. This is how they were brought to Australia in an attempt to control some of the local pests, but if the popcorn has some ecological demands that were not met there and they did not manage to adapt to the climate and conditions of Oceania. Currently, the sale of crayfish larvae is in its purest form, in small boats lots of larvae are marketed. These larvae are nocturnal and can hardly be seen during the day. Since the larvae are cannibal, it is not usually a pleasant task to obtain large numbers of larvae!
THE TEAM: Invertebrate / Insect / Order of Neuroptera / Chrysopidae Family.
THE SIZE OF: 30 mm including antennas.
WHERE DO YOU LIVE? In rural lands, meadows, gardens, forests, wetlands...
WHAT DO YOU EAT? Other small insects, especially lice.
LEVEL OF PROTECTION: It's not protected.
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