Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Close this dirty, dangerous and expensive incinerator for once!"

  • The request for the closure of the Zubieta incinerator has been transferred to the portal by the Anti-Incineration Movement on the pedestrian march that this Saturday is part of Lasarte-Oria. In the declaration of the Ertzaintza on the same portal that had access, they request the closure of the incinerator once and for all.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

20 May 2024 - 05:41
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In fact, they have denounced that in recent times the "hidden truths of this incinerator", which have recalled the disaster of Arkaitzerra or the issue of the leachate sent to Artajona in Navarra, as well as the destination or destination of the ashes and slag from the incineration of waste, are being demonstrated.

They warn about the impact of the incinerator both in the atmosphere and in nature. Thus, they have recalled the study carried out by the ToxiWatch foundation in the Netherlands in the last five years. These days they will present the results. They invite you to go to appointments.

"We have to stop this unnecessary incinerator," they stress. Below (also in the video attached to this news item) is the statement by the organization as a whole of the calls against incineration:


We are here again to cry out loud to the authorities in Gipuzkoa and the CAPV, once and for all close this unnecessary, dirty, dangerous and expensive incinerator! No, no, no, no incineration! No, no, neither in Zubieta nor anywhere. To all who have approached us from the heart to here, on behalf of the Anti-incineration Movement. You'll say we're not a lot of people, you'll say we don't have a lot of strength, but because we're all pushing on one side and on the other, the hidden truths of this incinerator are gradually coming out. Remember the propagandists of the incinerator how they mentioned litter tourism? In other words, the data of the towns operating in Gipuzkoa door-to-door and other clean systems were distorted, which took the trash to the neighboring towns… Remember?

Lagun, the motor of garbage tourism, the incinerator of Zubieta, who carries out a great garbage tourism in Gipuzkoa. They want us to make the public believe that our rubbish disappears in these large and expensive installations of Zubieta, but they do not disappear. When it is burned, it becomes hazardous waste and incinerators are shipped everywhere over and over again. Remains of this disaster appear on both sides. The liquid leaching generated in this Zubieta incinerator has repeatedly appeared under it in Arkaitzerreka. There's the burned river, the fish and the rest of the dead living things. Another part of the rubbish generated by Zubieta, which is not small, is 5,500 tonnes, has been illegally sent from here to Artajona de Navarra until its prohibition by the Government of Navarra. Since then, they seem to have started sending him to Bizkaia. Why do the authorities not mention the toxic ash that needs special landfills?

In this incinerator every 100 tonnes of incineration produces 3 tonnes of very toxic ash, some 4,000 tonnes per year. From here the new exports of Gipuzkoa, a lot of toxic ashes, are sent to the Santoconi de Pisuerga de Valladolid, 330 kilometers away. They don't tell us this either, but we know that. 23% of the waste burning in the incinerator leaves the oven converted into slag or slag. These are distributed in the cemeteries surrounding Zubieta (Añorga, Lemoa...) and later deposited in our walls, wrapped in houses, public buildings and other infrastructures. Mr Asensio, the rulers of the PNV and the PSE, are the garbage tourism that you constantly generate, a poison.

The other big landfill of the incinerator is the atmosphere. They pour thousands of tonnes of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into it. The incinerator will be the main emitter of these climate emergency gases in Gipuzkoa and the incinerator dispersed around dioxins, furans, heavy metals and PFAS or highly polluting eternal pollutants. It is sad, but in the end we have become the last waste dump in Gipuzkoa; people, animals, plants and all the nature that we live here and that will live in the coming years.

Faced with the blind and perverse behaviour of the authorities, before the incineration plant was launched in 2019, the Anti-Incineration Movement, with the collaboration of many citizens and municipalities, commissioned the Dutch foundation ToxiWatch to monitor and study the pollution of the incinerator in its surroundings. After five years, next week they will present their results.

The Anti-Incineration Movement has already advanced that the results of the ToxiWatch are very worrying. Here we see the increase in dioxin, PCBs, heavy metals and PFAS in soil, water, mosses, plants and chicken eggs.

The ToxiWatch researcher himself will be present in the presentation of the results, on May 23 in Hernani and 27 in Usurbil and, in addition to the conference, we will do them in media, web and social networks. We are all invited to listen, read and discuss this information.

At Gipuzkoa we know that waste management systems are better, cheaper and cleaner than incineration. In Gipuzkoa we are in operation in different localities. That is why we have to stop this unnecessary incinerator, no, no, no, no incineration! Neither in Zubieta nor anywhere!





















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