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The Iturrieta Mountains and the Vitoria Mountains celebrate resistance day

  • The protests against the wind and photovoltaic power plants that are to be built on these mountains have been spread through the popular march that has taken place on 20 October. The Arabako Mendia Aske Association has organized the program all day long.

21 October 2024 - 10:28
Last updated: 11:35

Under the motto "Azazazeta-Laminoria salba dezagun", citizens have gathered under the motto "Azazazeta-Laminoria salve. Alavesa Aske Mountain points out that "the industrialization and privatization of these mountains" would result in the loss of biodiversity and stable ecosystems. In this sense, he stressed that nowadays they have communal property and "uses that respect the capacity of regeneration".

In addition, he added that the concessions were against the wind power plant and the photovoltaic plant, he said. Free Alavesa Mountain: "The technical report carried out by the Environmental Department of the Provincial Council of Álava gives us reason and concludes that the environmental impact generated by the wind power plant of Laminoria would have a critical gravity that cannot be accepted on the birds and kiropters catalogued at risk and on the ecological connectivity between the spaces of the Natura 2000 network".

"Our authorities represent the vasallage towards Iberdrola"

Alavesa Aske Mountain says: "It is scandalous and very worrying that the company Aixeindar projects a wind and photovoltaic power plant in high-ecosystem mountains, with the participation of the Basque Government. It gives us the measure of the deformity and contempt they show with regard to the principles of conservation that the territory has. Likewise, it expresses the collaboration and vasallage of our authorities with the energy transnational, in this case Iberdrola".

Last week Arabako Mendia Aske denounced that the wind measuring tower installed by the company Aixeindar in the Iturrieta mountain range does not currently guarantee bird protection measures.

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