Miguel Iturbide was killed by the Civil Guard in Zugarramurdi in 1967, at the age of 16. He was told that he was a member of ETA and was given a pistol to justify the murder, according to the initiative 'It's time for truth'. The case was filed and those responsible for his murder were never convicted.
Felix Jiménez was arrested and tortured twice by the Civil Guard, in 1978 and 1982, according to the Police. The first of the arrests occurred when he went to the police station to report a fascist attack on the headquarters of the Revolutionary Communist League. In the second, he was arrested by the police in a demonstration and, during the arrest, his nose was broken. He denounced the facts and the trial gave him the right.
Ibai Azkona was arrested by the National Police in 2008, by order of Judge Grande Marlaska, who investigates this incident. He was incommunicado and reported torture, both before Marlaska himself and before the courts in Pamplona. Grande Marlaska is currently Minister of the Interior of the Government of Spain.
The initiative is time for truth.
These recognitions have been granted by the Commission of Recognition and Reparation of the Government of Navarra on the basis of the Foral Law 16/2019. The purpose of this law is to recognize and repair persons who have suffered human rights violations in Navarre by far-right groups or public officials.
The Tortured Network of Navarre and the Egiari Zor Foundation complete the Truth Season. The dynamic Memory Inclusive for Navarra, which has made a positive assessment of the recognition, “since the official recognition of the victims of the State implies the progressive overcoming of the discrimination we have suffered for years, and the reparation of the human rights violations suffered”.
They have stressed that the deadline for requesting this Crown is open until 2027 and encourage people who have suffered human rights violations by the State and the extreme right. To facilitate the necessary assistance, the following contacts have been made: infona@egiarizor.eus, nafarroakotorturatuensarea@gamil.com or by calling 948307715.
2008an Fernando Grande Marlaska epailearen aginduz atxilotu zutenean Ibai Azkonak pairatu zituen torturak aitortu ditu Nafarroako Gobernuak. Euskalerria Irratian, pauso honek suposatzen duena azaldu du Azkonak.