Satellite measurement is the only way to obtain worldwide time series for marine ecosystems, as it is the only way to carry out measurements at the required scale. And satellites have been measuring sea color for decades. Most of all, chlorophyll has been monitored to date, but it is estimated that it takes more than 30 years to detect climate change through chlorophyll.
However, in this study, they propose that changes are perceived more quickly by measuring reflectance. It's a way to measure sea color that allows you to deduce chlorophyll concentration and the state of ecosystems. They look at the 20-year data and they see that during that time color has changed, making it generally green.
Researchers conclude that this change in color is a reflection of changes in planktonic communities and is being produced by climate change. In addition, given the importance of plankton in marine food chains and in carbon accumulation, researchers have emphasized the importance of being able to detect changes occurring in these ecosystems.
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