The Basque Government has two other powers: Coastal Management and Cinematography and Audiovisual Activity. The Joint Transfer Committee met this Monday in Madrid to agree on the transfer of these two competences to the CAV and Navarra.
Among others, the Councillor for Governance, Digital Administration and Self-Government of the Basque Government, María Ubarretxena, participated in the transfer commission. "These are two competences of great importance for the Basque Country, coastal management will allow us to have the capacity to decide on all the new projects and infrastructures linked to the coast of the Basque Country and thanks to this competence we will be able to accelerate projects and integrate the coastline into the global strategy of territorial planning," he said.
"From now on, the Basque Country will be able to manage and grant permits for urbanization, walks, bidegorris in the access to the sea", notes the note sent by the Basque Government in a statement. As well as concessions for the construction of power or communication lines, embarcaders, swamps or fixed barges.
Infrastructures "essential for the energy transition", such as power lines or wind turbines, as well as new fishing projects, such as the installation of red tuna fattening cages in front of Getaria or the expansion of the Natura Network of Jaizkibel to the sea, can also be promoted. Eli Pagola has just published a report on the fish farm on the high seas of Getaria in the journal ARGIA.
In the cultural field, complying with the Gernika Statute
As regards film and audiovisual activity, "it can be considered as the last piece of the puzzle", said the Basque Government, "to confirm that the Gernika Statute is finished in the cultural sphere".
As you have explained, thanks to this competence, the Basque Government will be able to manage and strengthen public funds for the development and film and audiovisual production in Basque for the production, distribution and exhibition of audiovisual works in Basque. Audiovisual literacy policies (e.g. promotion of cinemas) can also be implemented.
The Basque Government will also be responsible for "collecting and distributing the contribution that public and private television audiovisual media services of the autonomous communities should make to the fund for the promotion of cinematography and audiovisual in non-Castilian co-operative languages", added the regional executive. According to Councillor Ubarretxena, "we are a small country with its own language and it is a priority to strengthen the Basque language in the audiovisual field and to have more means to do so".
On the other hand, it has announced that the transfer of work permits to migrants will be closed in the coming weeks: "The expectation is that in 2025 it will be possible to start processing the work licenses of foreigners in the Basque Country," he said.
2025 amaitu baino lehen Gernikako Estatutuan jasotzen diren eskumen guztiak izatea espero du Jaurlaritzak. Oraindik 25 eskumen falta dira. Transferentzia Batzordea aurreko astean biltzekoa zen baina "agenda arazoak" zirela eta atzeratu zuten.
31 urteko emakume kolonbiarra osasun zentrora eraman ordez ertzain etxera eramatean agenteek "akatsa" egin zutela aitortu du Segurtasun sailburuak, baina azpimarratu du ez zuela "jipoirik" jaso.
Euskorpora elkartearen eta Euskorpus proiektuaren abiatzeak hautsak harrotu ditu. Pello Otxandiano EH Bilduko Eusko Legebiltzarreko oposizio buruak Euskorpusena akatsa dela uste du, "ezjakintasuna edo estrategia klientelarra". EH Bilduk galdera sorta egin du... [+]