The demonstration ended in the park of Armur, in the green area that would occupy the tunnel works. Its reading lists a number of arguments for curbing the project, such as the waste of over EUR 600 million, its poor planning in terms of mobility and transport, the environmental impact of works and infrastructure and the fight against sustainable mobility policies and the commitment to private vehicles.
They also underlined their intention to continue fighting to curb the project they want to launch in December and announced their intention to conduct a weekend camp in the Armup Park on 21 September. "We will give life to the park through playful and cultural actions, and we will make it clear that we will defend this plot against the diminutive and imposed infrastructure," they stressed.
Today we have crossed the streets of Romo to ask for the paralysis of the Subfluvials.
Next call on September 21st in the park of Armur!
We are all going to stop this small infrastructure!
— SubflubialNo (@subflubialaez) June 15, 2024
Zirkulazioan lehentasunek garrantzi handia dute. Gidatzeko ikasten dugun lehen gauzatakoak dira: biribilguneak eta STOPak menperatu ezean nekez lortuko dugu gidabaimena.
Hala ere, lehentasunak ez dira kontu neutroak, eta historiak eta interes kontrajarriek aldatu izan... [+]
In recent weeks we have been reading "proposals" for the recovery of the railway line Castec-Soria and the maintenance of the Tudela train station in its current location, or for the construction of a new high-speed station outside the urban area with the excuse of the supposed... [+]