Yesterday a boat showed its concern about the presence of the people in the area of Ondarraitz in Hendaia. It has not yet been determined whether the raft was stained with oil by Great America. The Hendaiako Hegalaldia association has been in charge of carrying out the analyses of the initiative.
70% of the Merchant Navy's body had traces of oil. However, the appearance of the bird on the plate of Ondarraitz has been taken into account. According to Stéphane Maury, president of the flight association, the Great America sank 100 kilometers from Hendaia, and it seems difficult for a bird with such a dirty body to have been able to fly at that distance. But it's also not impossible.
However, according to Stéphane Maury, the state of the bird and its location in Hendaia should not distract the attention of the population. Oil tankers are dumping more and more polluting waste on the coast of Brittany.
Maury denounced: "In the Ouessant Valley, in the fishermen's area, the boats systematically pour fuels and quantities of fuel the size that the Great America has left."
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