It's been a week since the U.S. government denounced Venezuela's president, Nicolás Maduro, and several members of its government for drug trafficking. One more step has taken on April 2 with the shipping of the Navy to the vicinity of Venezuela. Miguel Strogoff did not have time to notice this new step.
The Trump administration has accused the Venezuelan Head of State of allowing a "safe space" for drug traffickers. He accused the head of state of "drug trafficking", money laundering and corruption, the head of the Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, the Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino, and the former Army Chief, Hugo Armando Carvajal.La decision was released on 26 March by Attorney General William Barr. In addition, the U.S. president said the information to stop Maduro includes a $15 million reward for the payment of a disqualification penalty. “You’re an insignificant Donand Trump, not only is he a cowboy, racist and supremacist, but you manage international relations as a scammer,” Maduro himself said. Maduro is not the only one who calls for US arrest in exchange for remuneration.
Maduro himself was aware of this complaint and sent a letter to the world’s rulers to contextualize that decision in a political context. On 25 March, on the eve of the submission of the complaint, Venezuela denounced an attempted coup d ' état against the Maduro government after the arrest of several weapons in Colombia, stating that the former Venezuelan Army chief, Cliver Alcalá, was in charge of the putschi. The following day, Alcalá confirmed that he was the head of that trial. “In the face of this recognition, the spread of these grave accusations against us has been the unusual response of the United States. Entering Alcalá itself absurdly among the authorities of Venezuela, when we all know that he is a mercenary subject to the UTE contract, who wants to carry out a terrorist operation against the government of Venezuela.” Like other international countries, Venezuela also puts the decision of the United States in the context of the coronavirus epidemic.
The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the United States is "taking advantage" of the Venezuelan health situation to carry out a coup d'état. This is not the first time that the US Government has accused Venezuelans of corruption and drug trafficking, but so far it had not come to the courts of justice.
A year ago there was a coup attempt against Maduro’s government: On January 23, 2019, the Venezuelan opposition Juan Guaidó appeared in the media around the world. He self-proclaimed president with the support of the United States. A year later, the EU announced that it has not achieved any state power.
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