The ship, a Sea Watch 3, was maintained for 48 hours pending departure to port. In Italian waters, but without a berth permit, the situation on the boat deteriorated. Two of the migrants had to be evacuated due to the disease, while the rest assured that, if they did not receive assistance, they would be thrown into the water. “Carola had no other choice,” said Giorgia Linardi, spokesman for the NGO Sea Watch Italia.
The captain was accused of "promoting illegal immigration" in the Caribbean country via the Internet. He is also charged with "resistance to warships and an attempt to approach Police Lantxes" for being hit illegally, colliding with one of them in the port. In other words, the penalty that could be between 5 and 12 years in prison.
Three days later he was released. Former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini was outraged and assured that he would do all he had to do to get the captain back to his home country, Germany. In fact, he defined Carola Racket as “a risk to national security.”
Released after seven months
The captain has passed the trial in February, and the judge has dismissed all crimes for the "relief obligation" the sea has in front of it. The judge has justified the captain's action by considering that the seamen also know that "the relief obligation must be given priority".
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