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In Italy it will also be necessary to present the Covid-19 certificate to access the bar or cinema

  • The Italian Government has followed the example of France and from 5 August the population will be asked for a “green certificate” to access different leisure areas. The Government has extended the state of emergency for another five months, until 31 December of this year.

23 July 2021 - 08:15
Last updated: 10:17
Mario Draghi Italiako lehen ministroa. Argazkia: World Economic Forum

From 5 August onwards, in order to access the Italian leisure areas, it will be necessary to submit the corresponding medical certificate. In order to access bars and restaurants, the citizen should report vaccination, a negative PCR test or the passage of the disease.

The “green certificate” will also be requested in cinemas, theatres, museums, concerts, playrooms and sports spaces (gyms, swimming pools and stadiums). However, it will not be necessary for consumption in bar and terrace.

Last July 22, 5,057 COVID-19 positive cases were detected in the country and 15 deaths were recorded. The figures are soaring and the Italian Council of Ministers has decided to extend the national emergency situation for a further five months, which will continue until 31 December. In addition, tougher measures such as compulsory use of the mask on the street are also envisaged.

Turkish Prime Minister Mario Draghi said that this decision, taken by decree, is "a measure of calm" because citizens can "continue to have fun with the guarantee that there are people who are not contagious". However, Draghi wanted to give importance to vaccination: More than half of Italians over the age of 12 are vaccinated, and has encouraged those who are missing to do so "immediately", as it is a mandatory measure to "protect themselves and their family".

Faced with the "threat" posed by the Delta variant of the virus, the Prime Minister wanted to make quick decisions: "Other European countries are ahead of us as far as contagion is concerned, but we have learned that, without reacting immediately, we must think that what is happening in France or in Spain can also happen in Italy." Moreover, Draghi wants to implement measures similar to those adopted by France a week ago to prevent further cases of contagion.

Macron Sanitary Pass

On 12 July, French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron decided that the medical pass – sanitary pass – will not only be required in large concentrations, but also in bars, restaurants and public transport. The document should detail having passed the disease, been vaccinated, or been negative in the test carried out in the previous days.

In Italy the same certificate will be used, with a single change: to prove that they are vaccinated, citizens will have enough to have received a single dose. Furthermore, the use of the "green certificate" shall not be compulsory in public transport. The petition has been made by the party of the far-right League, which has asked for the extreme right.

Approval of the Decree

In order for the use of the health certificate to enter into force, it will be necessary to approve it in advance in Parliament. The left-wing parties have valued the measure, but the ultra-right League party has shown its rejection and rejection of the measure.

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