They say it will not be easy to clarify this discharge, as it took several hours from the beginning of the discharge until 112 was called. They have therefore stressed the importance of calling 112 as soon as these facts are known.
In 2017, Eguzki denounced a similar spillage, and the paper factory took care of it. Therefore, in the opinion of the environmental group, it is to be hoped that, once again, all eyes will turn to this factory, although they have acknowledged that in recent times they have made "several improvements".
Come the purple river of Amezketa! ?????? ?? ? @EguzkEH @ekologistak EJGV @112_SOSDeiak @PCTolosa @tolosaldeataria @ibaiiriarte
— Mikel Arreseigor (@MilanArreseigor) October 30, 2021
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