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In the riot police unit the Ertzainak Borroka movement emerged, according to various media

  • The Euspel continues to bet on the La Ertzaintza movement, and the remaining three, ErNE, Esan and Sipe, have denounced "threats, insults and attempts at violence" for not supporting the platform on Friday. But until then, they all went together.

12 June 2023 - 11:30
Last updated: 15:30
Frantziako Tourra Bilbotik irten atariko enegarren ekitaldian, protesta egin dute San Mamesen. EiTB
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Several media outlets have announced that the Whatsapp group, among the "critics" they broadcast in the Riot Control Ertzainas Unit, could be the origin of Ertzainak Borroka. Information collected by El Correo y Gara, among others. According to both, behind the creation of the group are also the members of the Sipe union, which is united with the Jusapol association and belongs to the orbit of the Vox party. The Sipe trade union has an 11% representation in the Ertzaintza.

According to El Correo, citing the internal sources of the Ertzaintza, in the protests made by the metal staff of Bizkaia during the month of November "the basis of the strengthening of the conflict". Many of the members of the riot police unit refused to go to work and the senior management had to complete the team with "local ertzainas" in the last minute. The Ertzaintza therefore has no right to strike. According to the aforementioned medium, "there they saw that they have a great capacity for influence".

The famous claim of the Sipe union is the unification of the wages of the Autonomous Police, and in the case of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, in the belief that the police of some municipalities charge more, their request is the equalization. According to data provided by the Department of Security, the base salary for unseniority ertzaina is EUR 2,040, excluding allowances, allowances and other allowances.

Attention, Esan and Sipe: They're totalitarian.

In addition to Euspel, the other unions have taken off the boat.

The Ertzaintza spoke strongly against the members of the Borroka platform, following the Friday meeting of all the unions: "The people in this group are totalitarian. We're not going to accept these attitudes." They denounce, inter alia, that they have suffered threats and injuries.

The Ertzaintza "has problems inside the house," according to the head of the Ertzaintza

At an event in Arkaute a week ago, after what happened in the court of the Parliament of Vitoria, the president of the Ertzaintza, Josu Bujanda, spoke loudly. Before, in the past, Bujanda explained that they had "the problem was" because they were insulted by saying "zipaios" and similar. Now he suggests that "the risk is inside": "Before the danger of changing our police model came from outside. Now we have it inside the house and we have to be clear if we want to maintain our police model."

For his part, Lehendakari Urkullu, not to mention the group of Ertzainas which has never provoked discussions, recalled: "Have the reasons for being ertzaines changed in recent years? Have feelings, values changed? (...) Commitment, professionalism and respect remain steps forward. These are three essential features of the Ertzaintza that I want to highlight. Because if they are not complied with, this institution, the Ertzaintza, will hardly meet the objective that this society has set for it: to guarantee citizen security".

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