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Incidents as symptoms

01 September 2021 - 12:26
Last updated: 14:28

Loads and detainees again at high hours of the Old Party of Donostia; over time and repetition they gradually become accustomed to images, to facts. Despite the holiday dates, the atmosphere remains the same and the number of detainees continues to rise. Cynicism has also been widespread around the events of the last Non-Main Weeks and in general the non-summer holidays. The origin of the sources of information has also greatly influenced public opinion about what has happened: it is difficult to avoid official sources and the discourse they impose, especially the dynamics of the media that feeds on press releases. To this must be added the ideological framework of analysis, the dominant ideology of common sense that hides bias and its limits. Incidents are phenomena to be studied, but without analyzing the conditions on which incidents are based, the analysis remains on superficial symptoms.

There are many factors that unite and it is difficult to mention them all here, but at the end of the day, it is clear that the problem of the way of life imposed by the capitalist system is at its core. What happened in San Sebastian, Pamplona, Bilbao is not extraordinary, similar events are being announced in other places of Europe, and that in Euskal Herria this is not a consequence of the extension of “western” customs, but is the symptom of the capitalist social relations and the generalization of the culture they generate, and it is not a new phenomenon of urgency.

The disturbances take a concrete form: after the hours imposed on the bars, the police appear on the streets where there are still many people, because even when the bars are open, of course. From that moment on, anyone who sees the riot police knows what is coming: the incidents. Again, it is not that the police perform their function better, nor that they perform it in the most acceptable way for the institutional left and possible common sense, that is, that when the bars are open, people are made who are overcrowded, or that please and please and with friendly words send those who are on the street home. Because some of those who were making political propaganda were also identified with friendly words and with the same words the fines. The test vanishes quickly as it moves away from the causes of the symptoms. The problem is cultural, but the objective should not be a calm capitalist way of life – the contradiction that the current situation shows is palpable – but an antagonistic way of life for capitalism.

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