The neighbours of the Pankisi Valley have faced the police this weekend, scared by the effects of the project on the environment and agriculture. Behind the project is the "East Sichuan Energy Company", owned by the Chinese State. Birkiani’s neighbours have protested against these new dams for months, but there was a clash on Sunday, as the workers went to the works accompanied by the police.
In this video he interviewed the citizens who participated in the protest, according to the same sources. As you have indicated, the arrival of police and workers was heard in the first hour of the morning. When they came to protest, the police decided to send more officers, who were the first to shoot. As a result of the incidents, 17 neighbours and 34 agents had to be attended by Ertzaintza medical staff. The Georgian Minister of the Interior also went to the appointment, where he went to help the police.
In the video you can see citizens of all ages facing the police.
Géorgie: affrontements et résistance des habitant.e.s près du village de Birkiani pour prostéger la vallée de Pankisi contre la construction de trois barrages hydroélectriques, vu leur impact sur la rivière Alazani et les servues)
— Ter-Ter et Liberté (@TerEtLiberte) April 22, 2019
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