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They call Israel boycott in the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria, on the anniversary of Nakba

  • Many cities and towns have denounced that the Nakba, which began 76 years ago, is still working. Some 5,500 Basques have joined the mobilizations organized by the BDS. On Saturday there will be a demonstration in Pamplona at 12:30.

16 May 2024 - 10:28
Last updated: 16:19
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On 15 May, coinciding with the anniversary of the Nakba, actions were carried out in the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria to denounce the colonization of Palestine, convened by the BDS, to liberate Palestine, boycott Israel! under the slogan. They recall the Nakba initiated in 1948, but warn that it is not a history of the past, but that which continues today, “with occupation, colonization, ethnic cleansing and apartheid”. They have also denounced the “complicity” of Basque international institutions and bodies.

In Pamplona they have held a silent demonstration at midnight from the City Hall to the Parliament of Navarra. The streets of downtown have illuminated the candlelit rides, the banner of genocidal Israel opened the way. They have read a poem sent from Gaza and demanded that economic relations with the Zionist state be broken in the boycott campaign. In Vitoria-Gasteiz, hundreds of people met in the afternoon in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca to remember Nakba and claim the freedom of Palestine. Many cries have been heard, such as “It is not a war, it is a genocide!”, “From the river to the Palestinian Sea!”, “Long live the Palestinian resistance” or “Israeli boikot!”.

Messages against CAF have also been heard in Vitoria and San Sebastian. The demonstration in the Guipuzkoan capital has pointed out to the “accomplices” institutions and companies of Israel, and during the tour they have glued stickers and made numerous actions against them. They have pointed out to the Basque Government and the Provincial Council for their relationship with CAF and other companies, as well as to the Ertzaintza to denounce their links with the Israeli military. They have also turned to companies such as Starbucks, McDonalds or Burger King, remembering that Israel is demanding in the Boikot campaign to rule out these companies. In Bilbao, some 3,000 people met, according to the organizers, who have also denounced numerous complicities such as Kutxabank, BBVA or the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Many organisations and associations in Bizkaia have joined the mobilisation called for by the BDS.

76 Year Disaster

Nakba means disaster or extermination in Arabic. In the case of the Palestinians, it is used to call the forced exodus initiated in 1948. From 15 May, the day following the proclamation of the creation of the State of Israel, 800,000 Palestinians were violently expelled from their homes by conquering land for the State of Israel. This year Nakba Day has become particularly important because of the attacks on Gaza. Over the past seven months, over 35,000 people have been killed by the Zionist army in Gaza and over 500 in the West Bank.

Organizers of mobilizations in Euskal Herria have warned that “genocide does not stop this kind of solidarity actions. Neither the Basque institutions, nor the UN, nor the International Criminal Court, nor the International Court of Justice. The life of the Palestinians is too important to leave them in their hands." They therefore called on them to join a truly effective boycott campaign, “until Israel disappears.”

On the other hand, they recalled that this Saturday, 18 May, the popular initiative Palestinian inarekin Elkartasuna in Iruñea has convened a national demonstration to join this protest. Buses have been organized to go to Pamplona from different cities and towns of Euskal Herria.

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