On 7 February, the Maccabi of Tel Aviv faces Baskonia in Vitoria-Gasteiz with the intention of qualifying for the Endesa League. The Palestinian Solidarity Platform has denounced that Israel uses its cultural and sports initiatives to "curb crimes against the Palestinian population". They have called for action against the laundering of the face.
Solidarity with Palestine has criticised Tel Aviv’s Maccabi as Israel’s leading sports representative and has been part of the strategy for improving the image of the colonialist state for years. Players and club managers have denounced their participation in campaigns in favour of the Israeli Army and have called for the Vitoria party not to be played in the Alavesa capital.
The Palestinian Solidarity Platform has shown that Israel uses sports and cultural initiatives as a propaganda tool to curb genocidal policies in Gaza. Thus, they hide that Israel is a “colonial entity” and represent it as a “modern state”.
The platform has recalled that in 2005 a plan called Hasbara was launched, aimed at improving Israel’s image and avoiding the link with colonization. The Movement has stressed that the Maccabi Tel Aviv has been part of this strategy for years, which it has described as "excellent".
The Platform has warned that many initiatives have been taken in the Basque Country to normalize Israel ' s presence on the territory. Among them, the Noa concert in Bilbao, the participation of the cycling team Israel Premier Tech in various races and the visit of the basketball team Maccabi Tel Aviv.
In this regard, they have pointed out that the normalization of relations with Israel "gives legitimacy to make the Zionist project a reality". Solidarity with Palestine has therefore called for a "complete cessation" of relations between the two countries, as well as in the field of sport.
They appeal to mobilise against the party of 7 February, in solidarity with Palestine and to demand the suspension of the Maccabi party, which is being held in Gaza. “We cannot accept any initiative to normalise genocide,” the Platform for Solidarity with Palestine stressed.
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