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The head of Israeli spies threatened the prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal for the cause of war crimes

  • For nine years, Zionist State spies have been “trying to spy, hack and scare” the International Criminal Court to abandon litigation against Israel, according to The Guardian’s investigation through an in-depth report. Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen acted as Netanyahu’s “unofficial messenger.”
Karim Khan fiskalak mehatxuak salatu ditu, Israelen partetik.

29 May 2024 - 10:31

The Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad allegedly threatened Fatou Bensouda, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (NZA), at several secret meetings, according to The Guardian. Yossi Cohen, former Mossad chief, pressured the prosecutor to suspend the investigation of war crimes against the rails.

According to the Guardian’s investigation, Israel commits a “secret war” of almost ten years against the court. The Zionists have used their intelligence agencies to spy on and pressure SNA workers not to face Israel. The Israeli intelligence services detected communications from CNS workers, including those of Bensouda and his successor Khan. Telephone calls, messages, e-posts and documents were obtained illegally, according to the sources. This surveillance has been maintained for at least a few months. According to The Guardian, Netanyahu already knew the prosecutor’s intentions beforehand.

According to sources shared with senior CNS officials, Mossad’s former head threatened Bensouda “should help us and we will take care of him. You don't want to get into things that threaten your or your family's safety," he says.

Former prosecutor Fatou Bensouda was pressured to abandon his investigation in the 2021 war with crimes.

Prosecutor Karim Khan himself warned that they have suffered “enormous pressures” and threats from Israel and the United States to leave the lawsuit. In the days following the announcement of the arrest warrant, a high leader reported that the court had been created to try “rivals like Africa and Putin,” “not the Western powers and their allies.”

Finally, arrest warrants for war crimes

Last week Karim Khan, a descendant of Fatou Bensouda, announced that the Hague Hearing would order the arrest of Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials. The result was that mandate, but Bensouda started the investigation in 2021, arguing that in the occupied territories of Palestine there were war crimes committed by Israel and crimes against humanity. Bensouda suffered Mossad's pressures in the years before the initiation of the investigation, according to The Guardian.

As Al Jazeera has reported, the Zionist authorities have long feared this possibility, and arrest warrants have materialised in the end, although their impact is in doubt. Josep Borrell, responsible for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policies, points out that the Member States have a duty to enforce the resolutions.

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