The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has removed Yoav Gallant from his Minister of Defence, whose post is directed at Israel Katz from his party. The decision is because "there are too many discrepancies in the management of war," he said. The change has caused fury between the Israelis and thousands of people have come to the streets of the city. The police have used water cannons against demonstrators and arrested some forty people who have been arrested. Two anti-Netanyahu activists, the Movement for a Quality Government for Israel and the Erredolo for the Israeli Defence, have come to court with the aim of revoking the impeachment. In this context, the government opposition will announce a reading on President Netanyahu’s policy on 6 November by means of a joint press conference. With the word "the leadership of the people is sick", the four opposition representatives will take the floor, from Yair Golan, the Democratic Party, to Avigdor Lieberman, the right-wing centre Benny Gantzaga, and Yair Lapid, on the left.
The bombings continue in the Gaza Strip, where the Ministry of Health has denounced that the Israeli Army has attacked the Kamal Adwan hospital. Tsahalek is once again focusing on northern Gaza, with the aim of hindering the reorganisation of Hamas. In the last month, 1,800 Palestinians have died in central Gaza and another 4,000 have been beaten.
With Hezbollah in the spotlight, he is also bombing Syria in Tsahal. In an attack on the capital of Damas, the Israeli Army has killed at least two members of the organization on 4 November.
Negotiations on the truce in Gaza are resumed, but there is no agreement between the parties. In particular, Hamas has been dissatisfied with the proposal for a short and limited term ceasefire, yes or no because it wants an agreement that will lead to the final end of the war.
The negotiations between Hezbollar and Israel are also moving forward, and if we rely on the sources nearby, we may reach a truce agreement "ten or fifteen days from now".
The boycott movement against the multinational Carrefour, which accompanies the Israeli army, is bearing fruit. The BDS boycott movement has announced that it will withdraw from the sale all the products it has in Jordan. The investment company Majid Al Fondtaim has taken the decision to cut off all its trade relations with Carrefour for Jordan.
According to the six-monthly report by Majid Al Futtaim, the benefits of the retail sales sector have been reduced by almost half, by 47%, because "regional geopolitical conflict makes consumers less confident across the region".
Asteburua baino lehen lau gatiburen gorpuak itzuliko ditu Hamasek. Horrela, Gazarako su-etenaren lehen faserako adostutako preso truke guztiak gauzatuko dituzte Israelek eta talde palestinarrak.
Larunbatean egindako prentsaurrekoan adierazi dute manifestazioa ekainak 14an Donostian egingo dutela. 130 kolektibo, alderdi politiko eta sindikatu batu zaizkie eta "atxikimendu kanpaina oraindik zabalik dagoela" gogorarazi dute.
Jenin hiriaren aurkako oldarraldia duela hilabete bat baino gehiago abiatu zuen Israelek, geroztik 26 palestinar hil ditu gutxienez, eta milaka beren etxeetatik kanporatu. Israelgo armada Zisjordania iparraldean pasabideak eraiki nahian ari dela salatu dute, kanporatutako... [+]
Okzitaniako Tolosako elkartea da aipatu kolektiboa eta Frantziako Gobernuak dekretuz desegin zuen 2022an. Orain Estatu Kontseilua gobernuaren erabakia egokia dela berretsi du.