At least 10 Palestinians have been killed and 35 wounded by Israel in a military operation against the West Bank city of Jenin, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Hospital directors report that due to the ever-increasing number of deaths and injuries, it is difficult to know the exact numbers.
The Israeli army has launched a drone and helicopter attack in and around Jenin. In addition, soldiers have entered refugee camps with bulldozers and destroyed homes.
Zaher Yabarin, one of the leaders of Hamas, has blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bringing the war in Gaza to the occupied West Bank and explained that he has done so in order to maintain power.
Israel, for its part, has declared that the purpose of the operation it has designated as the Iron Wall is to combat the spread of weapons and militias in Iran. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the attacks are part of a global strategy to fight the “axis of Iran.”
The new United Nations warning
Operations and attacks by the Israeli army have completely isolated the citizens of the city of Jenin and its surroundings. The United Nations Human Rights Office has warned that the stay of the Israeli army has exacerbated violence and seriously violated human rights. The Office recalls that the Israeli authorities have legal obligations and that it is essential to guarantee human rights and security to the Palestinians.
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