At the Baluarte de Pamplona/Iruña, on Thursday, when he was preparing to play a piece of the orchestral version of the Israeli national hymn, much of the public has risen up and left the room. They criticised the fact that this hymn pays tribute to the "Zionist occupation" and displayed Palestinian flags at the concert of the Euskadi Symphony Orchestra (OSE).
Many viewers have left the Baluarte auditorium in Pamplona before the Euskadi Symphony Orchestra interprets the work of Paul Ben-Haim. Before interpreting a work by the author of the version for the Israeli national anthem. BDZ Navarra, the boycott of Israel, the divestment and the movement calling for sanctions has called on people to leave the room by distributing leaflets, and has displayed Palestinian flags among the public and on the stage.
: flag-ps:#PalestinianAskatu
— (@VoiceInfo) December 8, 2024
Yesterday, during the concert of the Basque Symphony Orchestra in Iruñea, half of the public came out in protest at the orchestral version of the Israeli national anthem, which celebrates the occupation of Palestine
The Baluarte Auditorium in Pamplona hosted the concert of the Basque Symphony Orchestra in which dozens of spectators left the room before interpreting the Berceuse sfaradite work of the Israeli composer.
The program, led by Israeli-American violinist Pinchas Zukerman, was recently modified to include this Ben-Haim theme. This change, according to the BDZ, has been "unacceptable". In the current context, they have criticized the incorporation of this piece of music into the programme and distributed leaflets in the auditorium.
After the pause, the concert continued under the direction of Israeli violinist Pinchas Zukerman and was attended by the director. The Euskadi Symphony Orchestra, the organizer of the event, has not yet pronounced on what happened in the Gipuzkoan capital.
Asteburua baino lehen lau gatiburen gorpuak itzuliko ditu Hamasek. Horrela, Gazarako su-etenaren lehen faserako adostutako preso truke guztiak gauzatuko dituzte Israelek eta talde palestinarrak.
Yala Nafarroak deitutako manifestazioan 2.000 pertsona inguruk hartu dute parte eta Iruñeko hainbat kale zeharkatu ditu Gaztelu plazan amaitzeko. Azken irakurketan adierazi dutenez, "erokeria distopiko hori geldiarazi daiteke, askoz gehiago garelako kapital handiak... [+]
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