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Juaristi, from Azkoitia, asks Milling Boring to cut businesses with Israel

  • The Elkar group has denounced that its clients include Israel. So Israel has blocked the company's entrances on Sunday because of the boycott dynamic.
Argazkiak: Elkar-ekin

22 January 2024 - 16:30

Juaristi Milling Boring is a Azkoitia company dedicated to energy, aeronautics, construction and defence, among others. In the realm of war, they say they create materials for heavy vehicles such as tanks, submarines, snipers and planes.

Business with the Zionist organisation

Companies report that their business reaches 40 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Australia. And among these clients is Israel. They say that they channel the Zionist market through the NCM company, also linked to armaments.

Corporate social responsibility and code of ethics

The Elkar group stressed that the company Juaristi has its own code of ethical activity. The company says "committed", "just", "responsible" and "honest." Since 2018 the company has been the principal sponsor of the Azpeitia Iraurgi. They also explain that they subsidize the AVAIM organization for the protection of children. Among other things, they claim to have raised EUR 3,000 to protect children "in territorial danger".

Complaint by Elkar-ekin

On Sunday afternoon, two entrances of the company building in Azkoitia were closed with pallets, with messages against the arms industry and boycott of Israel. Through the initiative a clear request has been made to those responsible for the company: to renounce the Armory and to break its trade relations with Israel.

Elkar-ekin also highlights: "Talking about what companies are doing here is uncomfortable to us, but it's not worth looking moved to Gaza if we close our eyes to what we are doing here. Wars and genocides are starting here, and we believe that companies and organisations with responsibilities must be pointed out, especially those with implications in the armero sector."

Beyond showing solidarity, Elkar’s friends say it is time to take further steps, including the boycott of Israel.

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