The bombings of the Zionist Army have left five Syrians and two Lebanese dead in Lebanon, three of them children, according to Al Jazira in a statement. The three children have been killed when they were playing outside their home in a small rural village in southern Lebanon, according to the Lebanese public news agency. They have also killed two Syrian civilians, “when they came back from the pool.” Several witnesses have pointed out that Israel has launched a second bomb in Gaza, approaching people to help. In recent days, the Zionists have killed eight civilians in Lebanon, a total of 550 people since the beginning of the genocide in Gaza.
Israel has claimed these bombings as an attack on Hezbollah. Thousands of bombs have already been dropped in recent months by the police in Syria. The Lebanese armed group has launched on the other side of the border with Israel many rockets and missiles in solidarity with the Palestinians suffering the genocide in Gaza. The fear of the outbreak of a regional war is increasing in the area.
According to data from the Lebanon Armed Conflict Observatory, more than 7,400 attacks have been recorded along the border between Israel and Lebanon since last October. 83 per cent of the attacks, over 6,000, are bombs launched by the Israelis in Gaza. Nearly 550 people have died in the villages of southern Lebanon, and several local entities have reported that they have been destroyed in several villages. In recent months, Hezbollah and other Lebanese armed groups have carried out some 1,200 actions between rockets, missiles and drones in which 21 Israelis have died, according to the police.
So far, the attacks have mainly occurred in the vicinity of the border between the two neighbouring countries. Hezbollah has demonstrated an "unexpected" military capability, although it has also been recognised by the Israeli security services. Despite the fact that the Israeli air defence system has succeeded in curbing much of the Shia militia’s attacks, Hezbollah has shown that it has the capacity to overcome Israeli borders. Last June, Hezbollah published in the form of threatening drone images of the city of Haifa in northern Israel and of the Golan Heights returned to Syria by the Zionists. Hezbollah and Israel have not been officially at war since 2006, but tension is increasing.
Hezbollah has warned Israel that it will seek "new contact points" for rockets should they continue to attack the civilian population in Gaza. These words were spoken by the leader of the Lebanese militia, Hassan Nasrallah, on Lebanese television. These statements have taken one step further in the noise of the war between the Iran-Zionist group, supported by the United States, and the recent Israeli attacks. “If you continue to attack civilians, you will force the Resistance to attack settlements that have not so far been beaten.”
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