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Growing international demand for a cease-fire by Israel

  • After nearly 20,000 killings of Palestinians in two months of aggression, Israel is unwilling to give in to the attack on Gaza and the West Bank is increasingly beating harder. More and more calls for firewalls to Israel, but EE.UU. says Israel is going to spend the time it takes to finish its job.

15 December 2023 - 13:40
Argazkia: Al Jazeera
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

However, it is not clear what it is to finish the job. Israel says that this work is to end Sixteen in Gaza, but there is growing suspicion that the objective of the current attack goes further. Many Israeli leaders have pointed out that this time should be used once and for all to empty Gaza of Palestinians. However, it is not yet clear how it can take this step, especially when Egypt refuses to pick up the inhabitants of Gaza in the Sinai desert. In any event, Israel is destroying Gaza so that no one can live in it immediately and, for the time being, concentrates primarily the Palestinians in the south, on the gates of Egypt.

Meanwhile, U.S. Security Advisor Jacques Sullivan has been in Tel Aviv this week and has announced to the Israeli Government that EE.UU will not hinder the “war Israel is bringing to protect its country.” However, he noted that they have acted on an end to war schedule and on the need to mitigate war.

No one knows when Israel is going to end the attack on Gaza. For the time being, the Israeli army is on the road from North to South, but it is not clear what will happen when it covers the whole of Gaza. Apparently, and always “in the name of security”, the Israeli Government would like to stay there, but EE.UU. I would see fit to manage the Palestinian Powers in Gaza and get out of the Israeli army.

Israel left Gaza in 2005, not least because its control was very difficult and expensive. In any case, it is not easy to imagine how the Palestinians will be able to live in Gaza, let alone with the occupying force of Israel.

Call for an international ceasefire

Last Tuesday the UN General Assembly called Israel to a ceasefire. Only ten countries, including the United States, faced the call. The demand has a great symbolic force, but it cannot prescribe, for which the UN Security Council's approval is required. On this last occasion, EE.UU. has so far vetoed calls for firewalls that have been made.

But firewall demands are on the rise, and also generally among states that always appear alongside Israel, like Canada, Australia or New Zealand. The three have just called for a ceasefire on Israel.

In the European Union, the demand for a ceasefire is increasing, and only Austria and the Czech Republic have renounced the call for a ceasefire. The President of the European Commission himself, Von Der Lyen, has also defended the ceasefire and denounced the attacks by the Israeli settlers last Wednesday, as well as pronouncing himself in favour of the peace conference that the Spanish Government is defending at the end of the current attack. In any event, at the moment, all these statements have no bearing on the attitude of the Israeli Government.

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