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Israel kills dozens in Lebanon and Yemen, including the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas

  • The Israeli bombings are continuing. Beirut (Lebanon) and several infrastructures in Yemen have been on the verge of leaping in recent days, causing dozens of deaths in the attacks. These include the leader of the Shiite organization Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, and the Commander of Preventive Security, Nabil Qaou, the commander of the Islamist organization HAMAS, Fatah Sharif Abu Al Amin, as well as senior officials of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

30 September 2024 - 08:36
Last updated: 09:48
Yemengo Al-Hudaida portuaren aurkako erasoa Ansarullah Media Center

In Yemen, Israel has launched a "large-scale attack" on the Houthi militiamen in the Gaza Strip. It has bombed the ports of Al-Hudaida and Ras Isa, as well as two electrical installations, and at least 24 people have died the day after the Hutian militiamen launched a ballistic missile against Tel Aviv Ben-Gurion airport. "Dozens of aircraft have attacked military areas of the Hutians' terrorist regime in the areas of Ras Isa and Al-Hudaida in Yemen," the Israeli army reported. "Through the infrastructure attacked, the Huthi regime transports arms and oil from Iran. We have made the attack to respond to Huthie's latest attacks on the State of Israel."

In Gaza, Israel has hit the capital of Lebanon hard over the weekend. In the bombings, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and the organization’s Preventive Security Commander Nabil Qaou have died, among others. Israel has shot several buildings in the framework of the "terrorist sites", which have been developed in Gaza.

Israel has also murdered the leader of Hamas in Lebanon, Commander Fatah Sharif Abu Al Amin, his wife, son and daughter-in-law, in attacks on the capital, Beirut. "This terrorist operation had in its sights the house of Commander Fatah Sharif in the Al Bass refugee camp and his family," HAMAS said. In addition, Israel has killed three senior officials of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (ICC) in Beirut.

There are countless deaths in Israel. The Lebanese Government has reported that at least 1,000 people have lost their lives in the attacks of recent days.


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