A Colombian leftist candidate would win the presidential election for the first time and it seems that nervousness is spreading in recent decades in a country controlled by the right and uribism. Consequently, more and more is being heard of possible fraud, of an explosion of violence and of a coup d ' état to deal with this situation. Petro himself calls on the Colombians to be vigilant in saying that the Government plans to suspend the elections.
According to most polls, Petro would score 42% of the votes and Federico Gutierrez Fico would score 25.3% of the votes on the right. In any case, there would be a second round, because to be elected in the first one you have to get 51% of the votes, and if there are not too many surprises, Petro would not get it. The third candidate would be businessman Rodolfo Hernández with 18% of the votes, and analysts do not rule out Gutiérrez remaining ahead of the official candidate.
In the legislative elections last March, the Historic Pact surprised and won the elections. Now, if it were to win again, the left would have control of the presidency and the legislative chamber.
The supporters of the Historical Pact have ended the election campaign with great enthusiasm, but the fear of attacks on their leaders has also multiplied. The candidate for vice-presidency of France, Márquez Petro, for example, has received numerous threats from the death squads during the campaign. The Afro-Colombian lawyer and environmental activist have undergone several attempts at attack in recent years. It is very common in Colombia to have deadly attacks on leftist candidates, as happened in the 1980s and 1990s with candidates from the Patriotic Union.
I have recently had the opportunity to see the latest work by Pierre Carles, a committed documentary author. Under the name of Guérilla des FARC, l'avenir a une histoire (FARC guerrilla, the future has history), proposes a renewed account of the armed conflict that has lasted... [+]
Uwa, kamsá, tukuná, uitoto, tikun, embera, nasa/yuwe, nuka, sikuani, siano, macuna, yuruti, kichwa, achagua, bora, truncar. These are some of the languages spoken in Colombia. Unfortunately, when I lived in Colombia, in Cundinamarca, I did not have the opportunity to learn our... [+]
International Migrants Day is celebrated on 18 December. Last year, an institutional event was held at the Alhóndiga in Bilbao in cooperation with the social partners and I was invited to participate. There I had an unbeatable opportunity to meet new creators and, above all, to... [+]
An indifferent people! How different your destiny would be if you knew the price of freedom! But it's not too late. Although I am a woman and young, I now have the courage to face death and I would have it a thousand times more, do not forget! ".
With these words, Policarpa... [+]