All the municipal groups of Irun City Hall (PSE-EE, PNV, Elkarrekin Van-Ezker Anitza-IU, EH Bildu and pp) have just read the Zaldunborda project together. “We express our disagreement with the Zaldunborda project,” all the speakers unanimously said.
“From the City of Irun we ask for the project to be stopped because we know that it will cause irreparable disturbances in the city’s trade.” The organizers have emphasized that Irun is a city with a large commercial profile, with a varied and quality offer throughout the territory. They denounce that the opening of Zaldunborda will lead to "irreparable damage".
Thus, all the Iraqi groups represented in Hondarribia have asked for a meeting of the City Council of the Guipuzkoan locality. They have also announced that meetings will be held to learn about the views and concerns of the city’s merchants in general. Finally, they recalled that in May 2017 a motion was tabled against the project, particularly verbally.