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They report that artificial intelligence is the winning poster of Irun's carnivals.

  • The winner of the Carnival of Irun poster competition has created the image with artificial intelligence, says designer Luis Doviso: “He has fooled because the person who came forward as the author has not made the poster, but a machine.” Unknowingly, the city has rewarded the work generated automatically by a computer system and not “the talent, skill and effort of the illustrator”.
Dovisoren hitzetan, “arazoa da gizakiari egoztea makinak egin duena, ez zarelako adimen artifiziala darabilen artista, botoia sakatzen baino ez zara ari”.

01 February 2024 - 06:33
Last updated: 2024-02-05 10:18:05

Graphic designer Rubén Lucas García has won 600 euros for winning the poster competition, but Dovisa states that the poster is an assembly of artificial intelligence images, and has given ARGIA three reasons: on the one hand, today the image is still perceived by artificial intelligence, by the tone of the image, by the style and pattern that follows, “as artificial intelligence develops,” perhaps not, yet. Secondly, the websites that confirm you if it is artificial intelligence say that the image has been made through artificial intelligence, “although these websites are not always reliable, they also offer false positives.” And thirdly, following the trajectory of the victor Rubén Lucas (who has been presenting this type of contest for years), Dovisa states that he had not previously shown any of his illustrative qualities: “If you’re an illustrator, year after year your skills, style, evolution… look in your images, but in this case it’s sudden.”

The presentation of a poster created by artificial intelligence seems "sad and misleading", because a competition of this kind should measure the talent, effort and skills of the illustrator, "but the city council has not learned that there is artificial intelligence behind it." In Dovisa’s words, “the problem is attributing to man what the machine has done, because you are not an artist using artificial intelligence, you are just pressing the button.” In any case, behind this figure there are many authors, as artificial intelligence is taking and reproducing material previously elaborated by many illustrators, “without permission”, the designer has recalled.

"Right now artificial intelligence is something new and seduces us all, but in the end we will get bored and the illustrations made by humans will have added value."

In spite of everything, the bases of the Irún contest do not establish that the AA cannot be used, for the moment not. In view of the controversies that have arisen here and there, they may be incorporated. Even when AI images have appeared in advertising and on the pages of hands, a controversy has arisen, the brands that have done so have endured popular pressure that has often ended the image deletion.

Consequences of artificial intelligence in the world of enlightenment

According to Maitane Gartziandia, a designer and illustrator of ARGIA, "artificial intelligence eats the most interesting, creative process and brings all the images to a certain, homogeneous style."

Dovison recalled that technological disruption has been present more than once in history, setting as an example the industrial revolution: “The craftsmanship had to reinvent itself and I would like to think that this time will also happen, because right now artificial intelligence is something new and fascinates us all, but in the end we will get bored and the illustrations made by humans will have added value, especially in the aesthetic and artistic. If we go to history, the illustration is reinvented, we re-claim what man created.”


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