This year, for the first time, the joint alarm has been received by representatives of all the municipal political parties. Mayor José Antonio Santano first received the councillors of the PNV, the PP, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos. Members of the PSE-EE Government and representatives of various institutions have also been present.
EH Bildu councilor Oihana Briones has given the city flag to the leader of the Bidasoa company. As Bidasoko Hitza has gathered, this action has been seen as a “Setback”, as an electorate without government responsibility has had to give the city symbol to the Alarde Público. Last year, the Equality Councilor, Miren Etxebeste, gave the flag to the members of the non-discriminatory alarm. However, Briones has given the “wholeheartedly” curtain and has been proud of the company’s boss Bidasoa. Between applause and irrintzis, “Gora Irun! Long live San Marcial! Gora Bidasoa! Long live the women in the alarm!”, on behalf of all the supporters of parity.
Miren Etxebeste Ahal Dugu-ko Irungo Udaleko Berdintasun zinegotziak eman die alarde parekidekoei bandera. Haatik, Irungo alkate Jose Antonio Santanok ez die harrera egin, emakumeak baztertzen dituen desfileari bakarrik bideratuz arreta.