The egalitarian alarm started at 10:20 in the morning, with the applause of the neighbors on the sides. The companies have marched through the neighborhoods and then reunited in Urdanibia Square. At the hottest moment of the parade they all entered together in the Plaza de San Juan, where EH councilwoman Bildu Oihana Briones has delivered the flag to the participants of the egalitarian alarming.
In addition to those concentrated in the plaza, on the balcony of the City Hall have received the egalitarian alarde representatives of EH Bildu, Ezker anitza, Elkarrekin Podemos, PNV and PSE, among others. Among the representatives of the PSE and the PNV there was no representative in the City Hall of the City of Gipuzkoan. The Mayor of Irun, José Antonio SANTANO, this year also received the alarming exclusionary and the MEP of Gipuzkoa, Markel Olano, did not attend the concentration in Irun. The attached to Ararteko, Julia Hernández, and the director of Emakunde, Izaskun Landaida, have also approached the parotid alarm.
For equality
Both representatives of Emakunde and Ararteko agreed on the need to ensure parity also at parties. In this sense, they have advocated reform of the traditions and have trusted that the newly formed municipal government in Irun will end the social and economic exclusion of the city. EH parliamentarian Bildu Oihana Etxebarrieta has set as an example the work done during the Tolosa and Antzuola festivities to end social exclusion.
The PSE Member in Gipuzkoa, Denis Itxaso, has defended the work of an institutional “bridge”: "That means being in the two scares and seeing the two scares, however legitimate or attractive one may seem the other," he added. However, Itxaso has avoided criticizing the attitude of Santano, mayor of Irun and his party: “I’m no one to tell the mayor what he has to do.”
Miren Etxebeste Ahal Dugu-ko Irungo Udaleko Berdintasun zinegotziak eman die alarde parekidekoei bandera. Haatik, Irungo alkate Jose Antonio Santanok ez die harrera egin, emakumeak baztertzen dituen desfileari bakarrik bideratuz arreta.