Last Monday, 21 February, more than 200 protesters gathered in St. John’s Square to call for the cessation of genocide in Palestine. In addition to listening to Leire Vargas's voice, the Association of Larreaundi's Neighbors also took the microphone.
On September 21, he contacted the district’s schools to carry out a “solidarity exercise” with Palestine. The resident association made a petition to the City Hall and, while the artist was already drawing on the wall, the neighborhood association has denounced that they received "the arrest warrant".
On September 24, the City Council informed them that they did not have permission to build the mural “but without giving reasons”. Subsequently, a meeting was held with the delegate of Participation, to which they regretted not having found a solution to the conflict. They were informed of the existence of two plenary resolutions: “They will not stand on one side or the other, and if they do, peace will be vindicated.” This decision was approved with the support of PSE-EE, PNV and PP.
The City Hall has been accused of "blocking and censoring" the solidarity initiative carried out by Udalbiltza. The consistory added that the walls of Irun “are of the city council” and that the municipal government has “power” to decide “what yes and what not within its political criteria”. The resident association has denounced that this political criterion "avoids any form of solidarity with Palestine".
However, the resident association has advanced that they are looking for "other paths" for the realization of the mural, "imagination is our best direct action," they have added. They are convinced that they will do so on a wall other than that of the City Hall and are prepared to listen to the proposals. “We are not afraid of failures, but we are afraid and afraid, of the threat of spreading indifference, indifference, indifference among our neighbours,” they have concluded.
The Larreaundi Neighbourhood Association, in collaboration with the popular initiative Irun Palestine, has organised a talk for tomorrow, day 25, in the neighbourhood association itself. Susana Mangana, professor of Arab and Islamic studies, lecturer and international analyst, will be in charge of delivering the speech. In addition, handkerchiefs will be sold for EUR 5 to show their support for the Palestinian cause in Gaza.