The agreement was signed on 4 March by the Mayor of Pamplona, Joseba Asiron (EH Bildu), Marina Curiel (PSN), Koldo Martinez (Geroa Bai) and Txema Mauleon (With You Navarra).
Two years later, the City of Pamplona will have updated budgets. Since the motion of censure prospered on 28 December, budget approval has been one of the priorities of the new municipal government.
This year the City will have three million euros more than the proposal presented. It will have EUR 265 million for both expenditure and investment. It will be the second largest budget.
Investment will reach EUR 64 million. With regard to the February proposal, the forecasts have improved: firstly, by the end of March it will have EUR 29 million in investment, and from May it expects to have another EUR 35 million in both sales and surplus.
33/2013 Foru Legeari Xedapen gehigarri bat gehitu zaio datozen aldaketak gauzatu ahal izateko, eta horren bidez ahalbidetzen da “erregimen frankistaren garaipenaren gorespenezkoak gertatzen diren zati sinbolikoak erretiratzea eta kupularen barnealdeko margolanak... [+]
When the allies won in World War II, they stressed the need to give public and exemplary punishment to the Nazis. They organized an international trial in which four judges punished the Nazi leaders. That trial was unprecedented. Among other things, because it was a linguistic... [+]
We do not forget the experience of 28 December in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona.
As often happens when events of great meaning and emotion occur, being a subject – the change of mayor of Pamplona, a motion censorship – the sub-themes are many. It goes without... [+]